Chapter 1

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With Jintan, he is with Anaru in the school. Both of them were inside the library, making a letter for Menma, as always.

Jintan always wrote how he is doing, about his grades at school, and their relationship with Anaru. Same as Anaru, about her life, in school, about her feelings, and she never regretted about telling her about that.

"Ne, Jintan. What should we bring later?" Anaru asked confusedly, it was just a bbq party as they said.

Jintan looked at Anaru who is giving him a confused look. "Poppo told me that Yukiatsu is gonna buy something for the party."

"I see. I guess we'll be seeing each other later." Anaru said as she think about the others, Poppo, Yukiatsu, and Tsuruko.

Jintan smiled, knowing what Anaru is thinking. "Hn. I guess you're right. To be honest, out of those three, I miss Yutsuro so much."

"You always see him, as always. Y'know." Anaru couldn't help but to giggle. "Ne, are you done to your letter?"

Jintan looked at Anaru again, giving her a smirk. "It's a secret."

"Jeez. You're so selfish." Anaru said in annoyance but Jintan couldn't help but smile at her.

Jintan looked at his letter and smiled. Menma, it's been 10 years since we saw you. Well, I'm doing great here, I'm also in college right now. We miss you already. We can't be 'Super Peace Busters' without you, y'know. All of us move on but, we cannot forget you. The letter you gave me, it's still here. Menma, I hope I didn't run away back then. I wonder, what if I didn't run? What if I tell them the truth? Do you think I could've change something? Menma, I hope you are looking at us, smiling at us, or even talk with us once again. You're our flower, y'know. But Menma, thank you. As Jintan finished reading the letter, he glanced at Anaru who was also reading hers.

Ne, Menma. It's been a long time, isn't it? It's been 10 years. We miss you very much. I cannot even forget the time that I asked you that stupid question of mine. I don't blame Yukiatsu for planning of it but I blame myself for forcing myself to do it but I'm really sorry. Menma, those times when we were together, those times were really precious to me. I did not regret telling you about my feelings to Jintan because I know you're gonna understand, because you are my nakama. Thank you so much for being my nakama, I also felt you were there beside me when I was alone. Thank you, Menma. Anaru also read her letter for Menma. She always remember the time and that day Menma died. "Jintan, it's almost 5:00. I guess we should get going."

"Guess you're right." Jintan said as he watched his watch that is almost 5:00.

In Yukiatsu's side, he was in his office. At the time of 5:00, their duty is done. Yukiatsu is now in the canteen, he was writing letter for Menma like what Anaru and Jintan did earlier.

It's been 10 years, Menma. I wonder if you're reincarnated, because that is what you want when you're still a ghost that only Jintan can see. We've changed a lot when you came, thanks to you that I realize my feelings for Tsuruko. I guess I was really dumb when it comes to love, huh? Besides, it's my entire fault of your loss. I was really jealous of Jintan because you loved him and I regret. Tsuruko said that she loved me and it's enough for her just to be always beside me. That moment she finally told her true feelings because of you, Menma. That's why, I wan't to thank you so much. Menma, thank you so much. Yukiatsu read his letter and smiled. I didn't regret that I like you because I already knew that we're not meant to be with each other.

"Oh, it's almost 5? I guess I should pick those two up. I guess they're already waiting." Yukiatsu said as he check the time of his phone.

Yukiatsu went outside and went to his car and start driving to his house, picking Tsuruko and Yutsuro up.

With Tsuruko, she is done writting a letter for Menma and yet, she memorized it. Now, she was washing dishes as she remembered the letter she wrote for Menma.

Today is your 10th anniversary of the day you finally rest in peace, isn't it? Menma, you know, Yutsuro wants to meet you so badly. I told him what of person you are. You were kind, pretty, and always positive. You'll be always living in our hearts forever. Menma, you'll always had a special place in our hearts. If I really forced myself to stop Yukiatsu and Anaru to their plan, do you think I could change something? Menma, I always remember you said that you just don't love Jintan but us, too. Menma, thank you and be happy in heaven.

Tsuruko memorize the letter she wrote for Menma, as she is also done doing the dishes. She smiled a bit and call her son immediately. "Yutsuro! Be ready, your dad is in the way to pick us."

"Hai!" Yutsuro said as he came down while holding a paper with his writings. "Mom! I also wrote a letter for Aunt Menma!"

Tsuruko smiled at his son, who just wrote a simple short letter for Menma. Yutsuro gave her the letter and let her read it. Dear Aunt Menma, I may not meet you but mom and dad told me that you were very kind, pretty, and always positive. I wish I've met you.

"How sweet of you, Yutsuro. Your Aunt Menma will be very happy." Tsuruko said being proud of her son.

"Tsuruko! Yutsuro!" They've heard that Yukiatsu is calling them. Both of them went to Yukiatsu and ride in the car with him. "Ne, Tsuruko. I already bought those things we need."

"I see." Tsuruko said. "By the way, Yutsuro also wrote a letter for Menma."

"Eh? He did? How sweet of him." Yukiatsu said as he looked at Yutsuro at the back that is sleeping quietly.

Meanwhile, while Yukiatsu is driving, he saw Jintan and Anaru together in the street who is also heading to the secret base.

"Oi! Jintan, Anaru! Get in!" Yukiatsu said as he offered Jintan and Anaru to ride with them.

"Heh! Thanks, Yukiatsu." Jintan said as got inside in the back with Anaru.

"Are you guys heading in the secret base, too?" Tsuruko asked them.


"Wah! Yutsuro~! I knew you would come!" Jintan said as he chatted with Yutsuro.

"Of course, I'll come!" Yutsuro said while holding a letter that he wrote earlier for Menma.

Anaru notice that Yutsuro is holding a letter. "Is that your letter, Yutsuro?"

"Yep. I wrote a letter for Aunt Menma." He answered happily.

"Kya~!" Anaru said as she hugged Yutsuro tightly for being sweet. "You're so sweet, Yutsuro. Tsuruko, you had a great job raising this child."

"What did you expect from my wife?" Yukiatsu asked Anaru.

"Yeah. What did you expect of Tsuruko, she's like a mother of us after all." Jintan said.

"Guess both of you were right." Anaru smirked as she laughed with Tsuruko.

After that, with Poppo, who lives in that secret base they made. He already prepared for the party later and waits for the others to come. Poppo was writting letter for Menma.

Ne, Menma. You know what, we miss you already. I hope you're still here. Playing with us. Each day, I always remember that dark secret of mine, knowing that you're gonna slip and die but I just left you there because I was scared. Ne, I hope you reply this letter even your in thw heaven. We want to hear your voice. Thank you very much, Menma. You'll be never forgotten.

As Poppo read his letter he wrote, he smiled and shed a tear. Later then, he notice that Jintan and the others were here already.

"Oi! Jintan!"

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