Twilight Parody: Vincent Lienhart

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Hello. I am Kathleen Taylor Cale. I am an aspiring writer, but that's not what this story is about. This is about my good friend's OOC character killing the members of Twilight. xD

Chapter 2:


"Don't worry. You're human-your memory is no more than a sieve. Time heals all wounds for your kind." Edward whispered in Bella's ear, his hand lingering painfully on her shoulder. Unknown to the couple however, there was another presence.

One that not even Edward Cullen could sense.

"Liar..." Muttered the figure while perching easily in a nearby tree, his raven-feather colored trench coat billowing silently behind him as his endlessly deep black eyeballs scanned the two 'star-crossed lovers' with absolute disgust shrouding his features. His pitch, midnight black hair whipped around his shoulders gently as the wind hit him. His eyes did not blink; not once.

Edward's own amber-shaded head of hair turned as he heard a slight muttering in the wind, but nothing substantial enough to raise his suspicions further. He diverted his attention back to Bella, his eyes looking to her stoic, while the pain flooded his mind. The pain of what he was saying...

"I promise that this will be the last time you'll see me. I won't come back. I won't put you through anything like this again. You can go on with your life without any more interference from me. It will be as if I'd never existed." He promised slowly, and leaned in to kiss her forehead.

Edward watched as Bella closed her eyes, and a sudden relief flooded his mind. He would be long gone before she could open her eyes. And that would make it a lot less painful.

As soon as his lips moved from her skin, Edward took a step back, and vanished away from his teary-eyed, and shocked lover.

When Bella opened her eyes, the man of her dreams was gone; without a trace.

However, even knowing it was pointless, Bella took a step into the forest, her eyes half lidded, still feeling Edward's lips on her mouth, and on her forehead.

Her lips parted only slightly, and she started to chant his name, "Edward.... Edward...." She whispered over and over again; to no avail. He was gone. And she needed to face the facts, sooner, rather than later.

The mysterious man in the tree smirked as he watched the human girl start to cry, and meaninglessly wander after the already gone figure that was once Edward Cullen. "Stupid little girl... Annoying too... Looks like something has to be done... And soon..." He mused, his lips not even moving, but a sound still coming from his body.

But as for now, he'd have to wait.

A few hours later...

Bella continued to wander through the woods, her body becoming limp and weary from exhaustion; mental, emotional and physical. She'd been walking for hours, and she just needed to stop for moment. Well, actually, she needed to go home. Charlie would be flipping out, wondering where she was. But she was too tired to go on without a rest, so she leaned against a tree, a certain comfort coming from the feel of the rough bark under her slim body.

She lifted her arms to grab a branch that was just above her reach and sighed listlessly. Bella realized that she was not going to be able to stay here much longer without collapsing.

She started to bring her arms down only to feel something grab at her wrists and pin her to the tree. She tried to step away, but a branch wrapped around her waist, and kept her there.

Bella felt a dull pain in the back of her mind that swelled into a shooting pain in the frontal cortex of her head, and made her feel like screaming.

"Hello. Isabella Swan..." A dark, but oddly sweet voice said in her ears, joining many other voices that were gathering inside her mind.

"Who... Who are you?" She asked, her voice going up three octaves to match the pain inside her mind.

The man's body moved closer to the bound girl and grabbed her chin in his left hand. His long nails dug into her cheeks with the intent to cause pain. The man forced the girl to look into his midnight-hued orbs, forcing her to concentrate on the emptiness of his eyes. He let a wide grin spread over his mouth, able to show his pointed, perfect teeth. "Ah... No tact with you... Is there?" He asked smiling with mirth as the limbs tightened around Bella's body, making her gasp.

"Who I am should not concern you. It's what I can, and will, do to you that should be tugging at your mind." He purred slowly, knowing full well that many voices were tugging and ripping their way at her mind, making her slowly and easily go insane.

"I-I..." Start Bella, who was captivated with fear at the man's face. "I want... to know... who you are." She said slowly, not sure why it was getting so hard to speak.

The black-clad man tilted his head to the right side, his long hair moving with him as he let go of Bella's face, and leaned down very close to her.

"I am the man who is going to massacre everything you love. Torture the things you hold inside your heart; the man who will rip your very soul from your body, and wave it in front of you, just to show you that it is possible. I am the man who is going to kill you... Not tonight... Not tomorrow... But soon... I am Vincent Lienhart. You're worst nightmare..." He whispered into her ear, making Bella's brown eyes widen with shock and fear....

It wasn't until she heard the semi-familiar voices of Charlie and the other officials of Forks talking. It was Charlie's voice she recognized first, "Sam, thank you. I really don't know how I can thank you for finding her... Why was she so deep inside the woods?"

Next was the voice she assumed to be 'Sam's', "I'm not sure Charlie... But it was dangerous..." Bella was not sure how, but Sam's voice was vaguely familiar.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2009 ⏰

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