Chapter 2

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"I would not of taken the job if I knew it was you they wanted dead." She said again trying to get them to talk or at lest say her name. Silence enveloped the room an uncomfortable one at that.

"May." Giotto said after a long time. May looked at Giotto for the first time since he removed her mask.

"Si." Was her answer once again leaving the room in silence. May was expecting tons of questions but was met with silence instead. May sat there wondering if they will ever snap out of their confusion and shock. A couple hours past before something happened.

"Why, why did you become an assassin?" Lampo asked breaking the long silence.

"My family was killed by a famiglia," May sighed "I was trying to find them," She continued.

"Have you found them?" Knuckles asked. May shook her head.

"No I haven't." May said sadly.

"Oh, how long has it been?" Asari asked.

"Ten years." May muttered sighing. Everyone looked down.

"So uh can you let me go now?" May asked jingling the chains. The six men looked at their boss who had yet to speak.

"Nufufufufu, what do you say Primo?" Deamon asked. Giotto looked deep in thought everyone was wondering what he was thinking about.

"Let her go, but promise me that you will quit being an assassin." Giotto suddenly said startling them. With that said Alaude and G unchained May from the chair. May stood up and stretched.

"Alright, I'll quit being an assassin, Giotto." May said with a fond smile. Giotto smiled then lead the way out of the basement. Once in the main part of the mansion May took her leave heading back to her home/bakery. When she got there all she did was sleep the rest of the day.

"Giotto why didn't you tell her your feelings?' G asked. Giotto sighed and set his pen down.

"She just got out of the underworld I didn't want to drag her back in." Giotto sighed.

"You know there is a saying going around 'no one can truly leave the underworld'" G said.

"I realize that G." Giotto said looking at the red head.

"Then why arn't you telling her how you feel?" G asked again. This time Giotto stayed silent.

"I don't know G." Giotto finally said after a few minutes.

"Then go tell her." G snapped. Giotto stood up.

"I think I will." Giotto said before walking out of his office then the mansion. Once outside the mansion Giotto quickly made his way to the town. Giotto got to the bakery but it was closed.

"May." Giotto said slightly panicking. He tried the door and it was unlocked this made Giotto even more worried. Giotto headed in to see way the door was unlocked. Once inside he locked the door from the inside then proceeded to the house above. The house was clean, fancy and quite, Giotto looked around worriedly as he quietly walked around. When he got to the last room, he found May there asleep. He smiled and walked over to her sleeping form. He bent down and kissed her cheek.

"I love you May. I have since I first met you." Giotto whispered in her ear before standing straight and walked out of the room. He found a piece of paper, a pen, and ink, then he wrote a letter to May. Once he was finished he set the letter on the table and left by the front door locking it before he left. When May woke up she faintly remembered a pressure on her cheek and a voice but she couldn't remember what it said. May got up and walked out to the kitchen to find a letter on the table.

"What's this?" May asked unfolding it.

'Dear May,

You most likely didn't hear me so I'll say it again. I love you May. I have since I first met you a year and a half ago. That day I came into your shop with my friends and I first laid eyes on you my heart raced, and I wanted you close, but I was afraid you would turn me down in fact I still am. I love you and I will protect you.


Giotto de Vongola'

After May read the letter she was crying. Giotto returned her feelings though he didn't know that. She was so happy the only problem was she didn't know how to tell him. May was still thinking as she opened her shop. A few hours went by and none of the Vongola's stopped by which was unusual, normally someone would stop in and order a cake for Giotto. Now that she knew his feelings just thinking about him made her heart race. She now wanted to hug him and kiss him to reassure him that his feelings are returned whole heartily.

"You broke into her house!" G snapped.

"The doors were unlocked and it made me worried." Giotto muttered looking at the papers in front of him.

"Still she was asleep and you broke in." G muttered. Giotto looked like a kicked puppy.

"But I'm happy you at lest left her a letter." G sighed after seeing Giotto like that.

"What do you think she will think once she read it G?" Giotto asked going back to his paperwork.

"I don't know Giotto." G muttered going back to his task. G headed out to get a cake to cheer up his best friend. He knew the cake made by May was the only thing that will make him happy. So that's where he went to May's shop.

"Hello May." G called as he walked in the shop.

"Hi G what will it be today?" May asked poking her head out of the kitchen.

"Strawberry cake but with extra strawberries Giotto is feeling down," G said moving to the counter.

"Is he okay?" May asked coming out of the kitchen with a pack of strawberries and an unfinished cake. May set the cake on the counter and started placing berries.

"Nothing a cake from his favorite person couldn't solve." G said giving May a wink. May looked up as she placed the last berry.

"Well then this is on the house plus could you give this to him as well." May said handing G the cake in a box and a letter. G nodded and took them hurrying back to the mansion. A couple minutes later two men in fancy suits came in.

"What can I do for you today?" May asked.

"Nothing other then dying that would be nice." One of the two men said before they opened fire.

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