Chapter 5

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Link points the sword at Ghirahim.

"Who are you really?" he demands.

Ghirahim smirks a bit. "I am the spirit that dwells inside the sword that you just pulled from the stone. Also the one you are pointing at me. Quite rude actually."

Link looks at the sword and lowers it slowly. "You called me master."

"You pulled the sword, I must serve the sword's owner."

"So... you do whatever I tell you to do?"

"Of course, master." 

"So... how do I get back to the Twilight Realm?"

"By using that sword and traveling over a great distance. Come on. We should leave these ruins before they cave in on us."

"No, tell me how you know all of this."

"All in good time master."

Link gives Ghirahim a defiant look but he walks out of the room, heading out of the ruins. Link reluctantly follows. After trekking through the dark caverns for a while, the two finally reach the exit, the sweltering heat of the desert hitting them like a wall. Link shields his eyes from the sun. "So now what?" he asks.

"We head for Faron Woods." Ghirahim replies. "There you will find a place that has a strong connection to the Twilight Realm."

Link looks at him uncertainly. "Ok... but if you're lying."

"I'm not." He replies "I'll be here if you need me." He flies into the air, shrinks into a red ball of light and enters the sword, which link had secured on his back. Link stares, confused for a second, then he begins the journey towards Faron.

Link journeys through Hyrule field and eventually reaches the forests of Faron. He wanders into Sacred Grove. "Where to next?"

Ghirahim exits the sword and floats in the air in front of Link. "There is a land, far far away from this one. It's entrance can only be found by one who is searching desperately for something. It is much different than the world of Hyrule, yet very similar. Some say that it is the plane that connects the world of the Twili and ours... somewhat of a buffer between light and shadow. It's all kind of a legend really."

"You mean to tell me that you dragged me all of the way across Hyrule because of a legend?"

"Yes, I did. But of course all legends have some sort of truth ringing within." Ghirahim smiles. "Into the forests we go! Unless you have another idea?"

Link remains silent

"Just as I suspected." Ghirahim says, giving Link a playful glance before vanishing into his place within the sword. Link then glances uneasily into the morbid trees ahead. He adjusts the gear on his back and then spurs Epona heading off into the unfamiliar trees ahead.

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