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Why are lives so boring? Things are just...repetitive, and you always feel like running on a hamster wheel: you can try as hard as you want, but you're not really getting anywhere. That's why we like to dream; our minds can go wherever and things don't need to make any sense.

But what if, what if the "real life" is actually a dream, or rather, a virtual reality program, that humankind has designed so that we can hold on to a constant environment since our actual world changes too often and can't be controlled like how it happens in our "dreams"? Only through this program, we can finally experience what it's like to grow up, to feel love and pain, to build relationship, and to have control. The catch is, things do tend to become boring when it's designed to be as predictable and sensible as possible.

It's tempting to keep dreaming, but don't forget that's what drove us to build the "real life" in the first place. Damn it, I'm not supposed to tell you. You shouldn't remember the truth once you're in the program. Things would get complicated. I need to run now. I just want to tell you that you've already used your only token for this one single ride. 

So sit back, relax, and enjoy.

[discontinued] Dreality (A Tom Hiddleston/Chris Evans/female reader fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now