Chapter 9

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I could run away and have this baby and have a fresh start with him or her. Marry a man who will love me for who I am and not care about my past just wanting to be in my future. Maybe have a few more kids because being an only child ive always longed for a sibling. Maybe I might just do that.

With that thought I got up and ran to my room and got my laptop to research...

I spent 3 hours sitting on my bed, trying to find an apartment for cheap and a job.

I can't live here anymore my life is falling apart. I don't even know where my best friend is because I've been so wrapped up in my own life to notice she hasn't been home in nearly a week.

I haven't seen my mother since we found out the news. She doesn't know that the father is Lucas. I need to tell her but how?

After more time I found a job and an apartment. The job was in a school in Australia, Glenroy. And the apartment was just down the road.

I got my purse and credit card and payed for the ticket for the flight and the apartment. I called up the school and they took me in for the job.

I couldn't leave without a goodbye. So after I had packed up my room for my flight tomorrow I rehearsed what I was going to tell my mother and Jess.
The next day.
I got up at 5 am for my flight at 7, gathered my things, called a taxi and I was on my way to the air port.

In the taxi on the way I called my mother ignoring the fact she is probably in bed asleep.

"Hello? Rebecca? Is everything ok ?"
"Don't talk mother just listen. This is the hardest thing I've ever had to do. But I'm leaving the country because I can not stand the fact that I am pregnant with Lucas's baby. I am leaving right now I'm at the airport. I'm sorry. I will come back soon when the air is clear and I love you and there is nothing you can do to stop me. I'm sorry I've left you. Please pass the message on to Jess"
"Sweetheart don't g-"
I hung up the phone not wanting to know what she was going to say to stop me and turned off my phone.

I ran into the airport after paying the taxi driver and boarded my plane.

If I never returned..... It would still be to soon.
I really don't know where this book is going and I think everyone has lost interest.
I'm going trough a rough patch in school atm and I have exams to study for.
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Laura 30/4/16❤️

The Best Mistake.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora