Lustful Loathing - Chapter 3

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I opened the door to my room and walked in, internally smiling when I heard the loud footsteps behind me enter the room as well shortly after. I sat down on the couch and he stood in front of me, looking down at me.

"Take a seat wherever you like, Alexander. I'm not going to harm you if you sit down." I said, amused. Alexander just huffed lightly and sat down across the couch. I smiled.

"So, tell me a little about yourself." I said, placing one leg over the other. Alexander rubbed his thigh for a few seconds before turning to me.

"Well, I live in a house with.." He paused for a while, thinking before continuing, "friends. And others." He mumbled. 

"Oh, you don't live with family?" I asked, tilting my head lightly to the side.

"My family died in a fire." He said, masking his emotions completely.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I said softly, frowning. "Changing the topic, how old are you?"

"I'm 21, Miss Marisol."

"Oh, not too big of an age gap. I'm 18."

"Interesting." He could care less, I knew that.

"So, where were you born?"

"Canada, Miss Marisol." That explained the light accent that made his voice 100x sexier.

"Fascinating. I hope you're enjoying Utah."

"Kind of you, Miss."

We talked for a while, before I popped the question that was in my head for a while.

"Alexander, do you have a girl waiting for you back home?" 

He snapped his head up to look me in the eye. Sweet Jesus, I thought I was going to faint when he bit down on his bottom lip and gave me a confused look.

"No, Miss Marisol. I'm saving myself for my ma- the right one." What was he going to say?

I felt a strange pull when he said that, and I had a sudden urge to touch him like I had did the previous day. The memory of sparks igniting and flying everywhere when I touched him had me wanting more and pull at my hair in confusion. I bit down on my bottom lip also.

"Very thoughtful of you, Alexander." I got up, and so did he. I walked over until I was in front of him. I lean up in my tiptoes since he was fairly taller than me. He looked down at me, his fiery gaze sweeping over my face before resting on my eyes. He stood still, not daring to move.

"If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask." I whispered softly, and placed my hands on his chest. Sparks flew again, and we both stiffened, sharing the same expression - confusion. His tongue darted out to lick his own lips, and that small movement was like a stroke of pleasure for me. Desire ignited deep in my chest, spreading everywhere quickly.

Without thinking, I placed a soft kiss on his cheek. My breath hitched in my throat, and he let out a quiet, involuntary grunt when my lips were on his soft skin. Jesus Christ, his skin felt so smooth and tender under my lips. 

I wanted so much more, the desire so irresistible. I managed to pull away from him, and he stared over at me, his eyebrows knitted in confusion and awe.

"Thank you for your time, Miss Marisol." He finally said in his husky voice. Goosebumps ran up and down my arm and I nodded, pursing my lips. He walked out the room, closing the door behind him.


He had never felt this way for a female. He loved Rosaline as a brother, and his female pack members were just pack members - nothing else. But the way Marisol had an innocent look on her face at all times, her lip bites and head tilts, they all made him go crazy. And right now, the way he felt the sparks when she had touched his chest, they were nothing compared to the feeling of her pink, full and gentle lips pressed against his cheeks. 

It was like someone had placed a microscopic grenade on her lips, making it go off immediately as she kissed his cheek. 

Now as he layed on his bed, Marisol was the only thing in his mind right now. He hated the fact that he wanted her with so much passion. Her lightly tanned skin, big doe-like green-gray eyes and full curves made him pull at his hair. But at the same time, he secretly enjoyed having her touch him, and although they had met barely a day ago, he was already thinking about what he wouldn't give to have her touch every single inch of his body with her curious, tiny hands, to have her lick her sensual lips and-

Alexander Henry Famris. He scolded himself, embarassed by the fact he was thinking such thoughts about a woman he hardly knew. The only one who could inflict such thoughts would be no other than-

At least you understand something. His wolf growled, amused.

You better shut up before I completely block you out, got that? He growled back.

Whatever. All I'm saying is, that woman, Marisol? Yeah, keep an eye on her. Let's just say.. she's a special something to me. His wolf grumbled.

What the hell are you talking about? He asked, confused. 

Oh, and if you dare hurt her, I'll make sure to claw out your insides and make you throw them up. What?

Why would I hurt a human, let alone a woman?! Alexander roared, furious

I don't care if you hurt a human or woman, but don't even think about hurting Marisol. She's m-

His wolf immediately silenced, and Alexander growled, annoyed. 

She's what?!

It wasn't long before he realized his wolf had blocked him out, resting in the back of his head. He groaned and layed back, not having realized he was sitting while arguing with his wolf. Nothing makes sense. Nothing whatsoever.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2013 ⏰

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