Completing my Sentence

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The muzzle of the gun felt colder than I imagined. The small circle of metal was placed steadily over my right temple and dull shiver danced across my skin as as the darkened figure took a step closer, pressing the barrel more forcefully against my head. I could hear the gravel crunch as I was shoved violently down onto my knees with the icy pistol still pushing onto my temple. I closed my eyes for a short moment, trying my best to accept my near fate. But in vain, a bolt of fear shoot through my body as the man squatted down to my level, balancing on the balls of his leather clad feet. He took a long and steady breath in before exhaling slowly. His breath wreaked, the smell of rotting flesh and liquor filled my nostrils as I sucked  in a short and desperate breath of air. Finally, he spoke, in a voice as harsh as the gravel beneath my aching knees. "You didn't think that would actually work, did you?", another wave of stench filled my nostrils. "I mean... wow! You got us good, but not good enough" he chuckled,  but his laugh was an empty one no joy filled his words, only emptiness.

I grit my teeth, there is no way that I would let this oaf ruin the plan, the only plan. I had to do this, I had to finish what I was told to do, I must finish what we started. "That plan with the explosives, that was pretty clever kid, but I guess that those itty-bitty explosives won't do anything without this..." he continued mockingly, as he reached into the pocket of his black biker jacket to reveal a small metal hand-held device. It was the remote, it's small red light still flashing and the safety mode still off. I swallowed hard. If they had the remote then... Oh God! They had her. I closed my eyes once again remembering the last words she said to me and the last smile she smiled, well they had to be her last. She would have given up her life before the mission, so if they had he remote... I stopped myself. Grief helps no-one. I slowly opened my eyes one more and turned towards him, anger building up behind my eyes. He cleared his throat and took another deep breath, "So what's it going to be kiddo? You going to start talking to me or the bullet?". He stared at me, his eyes borrowing deep inside of me, with the gun in on hand and the remote in the other, there was only one thing for it.

Crrrunch! The rocks shifted as I sprang from the floor and threw my hand towards the remote. All I had to do was press it, press it and the mission was over, press it and she didn't die for nothing. Click. Simultaneously, my finger pushed down on the button turning the light from red to green and the man's finger pushed the trigger sending  the bullet through my brain. But, it didn't matter, the deed was done. I was going to die anyway, whether it be from the small metal bullet ripping through my brain or the explosives which would take both of us down. The only difference, was that I had succeeded, the base would crumple to ashes and along with it it's horrific regime. In my last few moments I pictured her, her deep brown hair swept back into a ponytail, reveling her radiant smile and gorgeous eyes. All of a sudden my death didn't seem that important, as I know, it was all for her... 

Darkness consumed my vision as I crumpled to the ground. Not moment later, a blindingly bright light shone straight into my eyes... and that's when I heard it:

"Congratulations, Prisoner 11384. You have served your sentence. You are free to go."

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