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Morning came rather quickly, flooding my room with sunlight.

I kept my eyes shut for a few more minutes. I didn't feel like dealing with life at the moment.

That feeling was shot away as soon as my thoughts drifted to a certain brunette boy that was currently residing in my home.

Before I knew it, I was on my feet and out of my room, searching for the mess I had left alone.

Fortunately I hadn't gotten up any later or else I would have been jolted awake by a loud crash that echoed throughout the halls.

"Shit," the hushed voice worried.

What could he possibly be doing?

I crept towards him as he was ducked on the ground, poking at shards of glass. It was barely eleven AM and the boy had already broken something.

"Um," was all I could get out before he sharply stood, looking shocked that someone had seen him.

There was an awkward silence. Calum Hood broke it. "Well don't you just look lovely today," he said sarcastically. "'M glad you dressed up for me."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Why would I need to dress up for a burn-out like yourself?"

Apparently I struck a chord with him because he was soon matching my glare.

"Burn-out? Who? Me?"

I sighed. This wasn't getting us anywhere. "Look, I don't want to argue with you anymore." He rolled his eyes but silently agreed. "What were you doing?"

Sheepishly, he stared down at his feet. He didn't respond to my question, instead starting a completely new conversation. "About last night, can we forget about what I said? It was kind of..." He trailed off before continuing quietly, "...embarrassing."

As I stared at him, I noticed a faint blush dusting his dark cheeks. Now, he may say he doesn't want to remember our agreement, but I know that he did want to change for the better. Anyone could change, given the right circumstances.

He cleared his throat before adding, "There was still alcohol in my system."

There was no way someone was oblivious enough to not see through his obvious lie. Not wanting to anger him, I agreed.

"I'll get the broom."

Calum Hood looked at me in confusion. "What?"

I gestured to the shards on the ground. "To clean them up."

As I was shifting the broken glass into the dust pan, I heard Calum Hood ask, "Can you bring me your charger? You do have an iPhone six, right?"

I nodded. "Give me a minute."

Once the hallway had no evidence of the massacre of a picture frame, I handed Calum Hood his charger. The kitchen was my next stop.

While putting a bagel in the toaster, Calum Hood strolled into the kitchen, parking himself at the island counter.

"So," he said, "Where did you say we were?"

I didn't think I said anything about where we were, but I ignored that and responded, "Um, the suburbs of Chicago?"

"Dammit," he groaned. His fingers were curled into his hair as he complained about his luck. Suddenly, his eyes lit up as he propped up his head. "Chicago? I know exactly who to call."

He left the room before I could respond.

Calum Hood plugged his phone into the wall as he made his way back into the kitchen. Scrolling through his contacts, he stopped when he found the right one. "He better answer," I heard him say to himself.

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