The Good, The Bad, The Unpritty

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"Waters, Waters" Dr. Wind said. "Where are you?"

"Here I am," Dr. Waters said. "What do you want?"

"I have some terrible news."

"What, speak up?"

"Its your a step mother, she has died from the disease."

"It, it was expected. When is the funeral?"

"Thursday. Viewing on Wednesday."

"Thanks, now lets get back to the research."

"You don't want to take any time off?"

"It's sad, but we need to continue so no more die."

"That is admirable sir, but even you must have limits."

"I do, I just know that more lives are at risk."

"Lets get back to work then."

"Turn on the radio while you're over there."

"I'm on it."

"In other news, Dr. Rock has just publish a new book on his theory on genetic engineering. Here is what he has to say," the radio said.

"My research team has finally develop a new type of seed, that makes grass roots grow deeper and the blade shorter. Once this hits the market, we will be able to cut grass only once a year. And five from now, the great inconvenience of mowing the lawn will be a thing of the past."

"That's it, I'm turning it off," Dr. Wind said. "I can't stand that guy."

"How come? He is consider one of the worlds best scientist."

"I know that, it just, he so arrogant. He keeps saying how he changing the world, when in all reality, all he doing is justifying being a couch potato."

"I will admit it is rather strange, but even something as small as grass can make a big difference."

"I understand that, it just annoying to hear how he brags about how important he is."

"I agree, but that only because I natural belief that in the grand scheme of things, we're not that important."

"What do you mean?"

"Who is Jonas Edward Salk is?"

"No. I don't believe so."

"And neither does half of the people of this great country."

"What is your point?"

"My point being that no one remembers people who do major things. Like who invested the printing press, sticky notes, heck, even paper. Very few people bother to remember any of them. People think being remembered for one character is a negative thing, but don't. I never will be remember anything."

"Don't say that, you don't know if that true or not."

"Your right, I don't. I only got history on my side and it says there a chance."

"This isn't like you, John, what is going on?"

"Nothing, I've always been this way. I've always kept my eye for the truth, while also looking at the brightest possible side. I don't care if I'm forgotten, for I know who lives are important to me, and who's lives I've impacted. That all that matters to me."

"I see. This has been a very delightful."
"Glad that it was. We best be getting back to our work now."

"Yes, we should."

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