Chapter 2

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All first period I couldn't stop thinking of him. Of Josh and his inhuman eyes. Those slivery blue colors swirling around in his pupils. Still pondering where Josh was from a voice creeps its way into my subconscious. "Ali! Earth to Ali!"  

My vision comes to focus to see a stern look from Mr. Steinberg. He was glaring at me strangely, trying to figure out my thoughts. The ones that always strayed to Josh, somehow. Don't get me wrong, Mr. S is awesome. He was the former base player of Kats Kradle. A less popular band in the 90's. Yeah, I know, strange. "Oh good you're with us," he said. "Now please tell me what year the French and Indian War was." 

"Uhhh," I stammered. Quick! Think! "Um, was it 1762?" 

"That's correct. Now please pay attention." 

"Ok Mr. S." 

The rest of the period dragged on. I had to keep my thoughts from wandering. Finally, the stupid bell rang. At my locker I'm stopped by Jackie. She's wearing a different outfit already. This time it's a black sweater over blood red tights. "Ok as I was saying," she starts off. "You are in love! I know it!" 

"Jackie," I replied slamming my locker door shut. "I'm not, I told you." 

"You're thinking of him though, I can tell." 

"Ok! Yes, I'm thinking of him! That doesn't mean I like him though." 

"It always starts that way, then you'll dream about him, then before you know it Poof! You've fallen for him." 

"Ok, Jackie, as much as I'd like to talk about this, I have to go to class. Either that or you can serve the dentition that Mr. Calvin will give me." 

"Fine! Besides, I have to change my outfit anyway. Bye!" Jackie calls as she sprints off to the restroom. 

I make it my seat in English class moments before the bell. Mr. Calvin is already yelling at someone. Good. This gives me more time to think. What if Jackie's right? Am I falling for Josh? I barely even know him!  

"Ok class, take your seats," Mr. Calvin booms. His voice is like a foghorn. It's so loud that people in China can probably hear it. "Today we will continue our work on Shakespeare" he continues. "But first take out your homework. For those slackers, just line up for your dentition slip." I reached into my bag and pulled out my soggy homework. I sighed. I guess it's a dentition for me today. I get up from my seat and walk into the back of the line, ready to get my slip. I reach Mr. Calvin's desk and he looks at me surprised.  

"Ali? You always do your homework," he said. 

"It got soaked in the rain." 

"Ahh. Still, no homework, you get a dentition." He hands me the pink slip and I walk back to my desk. Then Mr. Calvin starts to talk about Shakespeare's plays. The lesson is boring and seems never ending. I catch 'Midsummer's-' and '-o and Juliet' Just bits and pieces of information with no meaning. Then Mr. Calvin says the word 'Josh.' And then the thoughts start again. His eyes show themselves in my mind and I have to shut them out before I get another dentition. The period goes on and I continue to shut out my thoughts about Josh.  

The bell rings and the next periods have the same routine. I kept arguing with Jackie on whether or not I liked Josh just before she went off and changed her outfit. One time black tights, red skirt, and a black tank. Another just a dark green dress. Then I would go to class and fight myself with thoughts about Josh.  

Finally the school day ended and I headed to the dentition room. I only had to serve an hour and headed home. As usual my parents weren't in sight. They were probably out drinking, smoking, or maybe if I was lucky, looking for a job. I sighed. The last option will never happen. I mean, technically my mom did have a job. A job that involved stupid rich men with alcohol breath and need for women. That's were my mom came in. Every weekend she'd be with some guy at his house drinking with no stopping. She doesn't care about my dad and me. Ever since she got this so called 'job' my dad has spiraled into a terrible depression. He won't get help and spends day after day in the bar picking up young pretty stupid girls and bringing them back here. But, there are days when he seems better and we will talk about my feelings and such. Then he'd apologize and promise to get help. That has happened many times, but he failed to keep his promise. As I walk through the house, I peek into my parents' bedroom. My dad is passed out next to someone who's not my mother. I close the door silently hoping not to disturb their slumber. I walk down the dusty hall, careful not to step on the dirty cloths and the questionable objects. I reach my room, a light blue in color with an old mattress in the center. The mattress is covered in a pink sheet, that's fading everyday. I turn to my old wooden desk in the corner. I flick on the lamp and sit down. It's homework time.  

I sit there pondering worthless math problems and realize it's dinner time. My stomach growls at me, trying to get my attention. I pack up my books and walk down the stairs to the kitchen. The kitchen is run down and has enough things to keep a so-called family going. As I wait for the instant mac and cheese (my favorite) to finish in the microwave, I hear the front door creak open. My mother walks in the kitchen holding her forehead. "Hey, Mom," I say. 

She steps back, obviously startled. Her blond hair bounces with her steps and her black combat shoes clamp on the kitchen tiles. She looks up, "Ali! Oh, I didn't see you there." 

"Where were you?" I ask. 

"With a costumer, we're working out hours for this weekend." 


"Well I'm going to bed. Is your father home?" 

"Yea, but-" I don't get to finish because she's already staggering up the stairs. I listen for her to open the door and hear the screaming begin. Sooner then expected there's a shrill scream and some girl in my dad's faded plaid robe sprints down and out the door. I catch a few angry phrases, "Oh hell Jesse!" and "Not my fault!" The yelling is always a homecoming to both of them. Chances are my dad will be sleeping on the couch tonight. This was normal.

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