
Everything was black, I was somewhere, and nowhere. My limbs were heavy. I was exhausted, so exhausted I couldn't muster enough energy to even open my eyes. But I couldn't sleep. I couldn't remember what happened to me, my brain was so muffled that I couldn't even remember who I was.


I sat in my tank waiting on Grunkle Fords news on Dipper. He was trying to fix him. Meanwhile Soos and Grunkle Stan were looking for Pacifica. I felt pretty useless. I watched Paddles walk around my tank. I think he was trying to find a way in, because he'd try to climb it.


I sat silent for a few moments after Pacifica told me about Dipper.

"Pacifica, it wasn't your fault."

"That's what everyone else kept saying, but it is! My eye blast was what turned him into a stone!"

I couldn't see her eyes due to the sunglasses, but I was pretty sure she was crying.

"Pacifica, look at me, this was not your fault. You didn't know that what's his face could do that! What you were doing was for the greater good!"

She sat silently.

"You know what?" I said grabbing hand "we're going to the Mystery Shack, now!"

"What!? No!"

"Yes!" One of the advantages of being a werewolf, I had increased strength.

An hour later I was dragging her into the mystery Shack, and into the back where they lived.

Mabel was in her tank in the living room

"Wendy! Pacifica!" She yelled "I was so bored!"

Suddenly a bang from the basement shook us to our feet.

"W-what was that?" Pacifica asked

"No clue, let's go find out." I said getting up

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