the Beginning

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Once upon a time, there was a boy. He lived alone in the woods at the base of the mountain. No family or friends except the animals and the trees. Yet he was happy here. He laughed and sang and lived. He ate berries and fish and honey and whatever else the land provided for him.

Then one day the boy heard a sound like a loud crack. Yet it was unlike anything he had ever heard before. The boy slipped through the forest, silent but listening and watching.

He was brought to the river but remained hidden from sight. Curious, he peered out from behind his tree. His eyes beheld creatures that looked like the image he saw when he looked in the lake. They looked like him. Except they were different. Bigger. Broader. With strange sticks in their hands.

The boy watched as one creature yelled, angry sounds coming from his mouth as his forehead creased and his hands waved in the air. The other creatures seemed to be upset as well - all but one who was simply watching, waiting on the outskirts of the group patiently, his face alert as he scanned his surroundings.

The boy continued to watch. Finally it seemed the creatures had come to an agreement. The first creature raised his stick and turned into the forest, heading up the mountain, away from the boy. The others followed, some making grumbling noises.

The boy waited for some time. Then he turned and slipped back through the forest. The creatures would not last long on the mountain.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2020 ⏰

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