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Nagisa's POV

Today is Sunday, and usually, Rei-chan is at his house, stu(dying) like a madman. I wanted to pay him a visit, just so that he doesn't stress himself out too much... Okay I admit, I'm here half for that and half that I don't understand my math homework at all.

I lightly tapped on Rei-chan's door. A few seconds later, I was greeted by Rei-chan. Surprising, since it's usually his parents telling me to come back another day. "Rei-chan!" I greeted happily.

Rei-chan smiled a little. "What is it this time?" He asked.

"I just wanted to make sure you don't stress yourself out too much like you always do." I replied. Rei-chan looked at me suspiciously, waiting for another answer.

The silence then got too much for me. "Okay fine... I'm here half for that and half that my math homework is just a bunch of jibberish!"  I replied. Rei started to laugh a little.

"Okay. You can come in" he replied. "Really!!??" I asked, my smile and eyes widening. He never lets me come over on Sunday.

"Sure. I don't mind" Rei-chan replied, and with that, I happily walked into the house.

Rei's POV

Watching Nagisa-kun happily walk into my house made my heart skip a beat. Him just being in my house makes him happy...

I think today is the day. I'm going to tell him. I'm going to say the feelings I have for him, whether he likes it or not.

These feelings have been inside me for too long. They're starting to rip me apart, not in a beautiful way at all. If I don't say anything now... I don't think I ever will.

"We can go in my room if you like. You can sit on my desk chair" I said.

Nagisa-kun jumped a little. "Awesome!" He said, and he practically ran into my room. I couldn't help but laugh a little.

Nagisa-kun was already seated on my chair, taking out his binder from his bag. It was cluttered, as usual.

All of my supplies were already spread out on my bed. I have 2 tests tomorrow, and I've been studying for them all day. I guess it's nice to have a little break.

I sat on my bed and started opening up my science textbook, when Nagisa-kun started asking about his homework. "Rei-chan? Did you take algebra 2?" He asked. I looked up at him, fixing my glasses a little. Damn Nagisa-kun, your so cute!

"Yea. In my First year" I replied. "Wow Rei-chan! How did you understand any of this in your first year!?" he asked, clearly amazed. Usually no one is amazed by my academic achievements, not even my parents. But Nagisa-kun is completely wowed by it. I smiled a little at the thought of this.

"I don't know. What do you need help with?" I asked, walking over and standing next to him.

I've got to do this soon.

"This one." Nagisa-kun said, pointing to the problem with his pencil. I solved it in my head within a few seconds. "Easy! You just..." I said, starting to explain the problem. I showed it out to him as I was explaining it to him. The first problem we did was easy. But the more and more problems we did, the harder it got for me to focus on them.

How should I tell him? Is now a good time? Would he ever like me back? Would this ruin our friendship if he doesn't? What if he thinks I'm disgusting, not beautiful at all? What if the entire team thinks that? What if my parents find out? What if the school finds out? Would they kick me out? Would anyone accept me anymore?

Before I knew it, I realized it was time for Nagisa-kun to solve the rest of the problems on his own, putting my own thoughts to a hault. "You think you can do the rest?" I asked, my heart throbbing. I don't think I've ever been this nervous in my life.

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