Chapter 7

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Hey fellow readers! I sadly don't own arrow or!

Felicity's POV
I zoomed past the slow cars and buses with the wind blowing through my hair. I was almost at my destination so I sped up a bit and ignored all the honks and angry people who were cussing at me. I took a sharp right turn and skidded to a stop without hurting myself or my bike. I got off and leaned my bike against the wall of my destination: an old chocolate factory that went bankrupt a few years ago.

Honestly, this will be too easy. I hid my bag and looked around at my surroundings. I didn't put my helmet on before riding because I was rushing but I' ll make sure I will on my way back cause I don't want an accident like that to happen...again.

I just finished scanning the area and I smirked when I saw an air vent near the back door. There was a railing that could help me get in.

I rushed forward and hoisted myself up on the railing and grasped the edge of the door frame while keeping my balance. I crouched down and jumped into the air. I did a flip and kicked the air vent blocking it and landed on the ground with a backflip gracefully.

I got back on the railing and hoisted myself up jumping while grabbing onto the hook that was there...weird right?.....anyways I climbed and pulled my small but fit form into the vent and just kept going turning left and right till I found the air vent that leads to the room full of vampires. There are five of them only so it will be the easiest I've had in years so hooray!

I remove the air vent thingy ( sorry) and push my legs through and I drop down. Yes, I dropped down. Jumped. Whatever. Haha....I fell on a vampire...hehe..he isn't happy though...

"Sup" I say while giving him a nod and standing up. I brushed the nonexistent dirt off my suit and fix my hair. All the vampires just stare at me wide eyed before showing me their fangs. I raised an eyebrow at them before speaking up

"Well that's not how you treat a guest especially a girl..hmm no wonder girls run away from you " after I say that, a vampire who I assume is their leader super speeds up to me and grabs me by the throat hoisting me up into the air.

"Who the hell are you ?! And why are you here?" He shouted with an angry voice.

"Well someone has anger issues" when I say this, his eyes glowed a bit before he threw me against a wall. Ahhh frack that hurt like hell...but I didn't show emotion. He stepped forward and grabbed my chin rather roughly and said

"What a pretty little thing, a strong one at that too....hmmm you're going to be my little treat"

Him and his goons laughed as he let my face go. While they were to busy laughing, I stood up and stabbed their leader with my silver stake then cut his head off. He dropped dead instantly. I swiftly threw two more silver stakes at two other vampires who stopped laughing when I killed their so called leader. The two remaining vampires sprung into action and charged at me.

Big mistake. I roundhouse kicked the first one and I backflipped onto the second vampire's back and I broke his neck. Yes, broke his neck. I also drove a silver stake into his chest. The first vampire got back up angrier this time.

" let's dance blood sucker, obviously I will win because I'm awesome and you SUCK!" Hehe..he looks like a tomato.

He made a move to punch me but I dodged his fist and delivered a kick to his abdomen, he doubled over in pain but just as quickly recovered. He pulled out a knife and he started circling me and he tried to stab me but I kept dodging every time.

Finally frustrated, he managed to punch me in the stomach, I winced as I fell over but rolled out of the way as he was about to stab me in the neck. I quickly grabbed my silver bullet gun that was hidden inside my boot and shot him distracting him for a sec before I plunged my silver stake inside his chest.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in and took my stake out and wiped the blood off on his shirt. Then I cut his head off just like the others. I stood up sighing and walked towards the rest of the other vamps and collected my stakes before putting them away in place.

I gathered all my weapons and left the factory. Sam and Dean will receive the notification of supernaturals so they can clean up my mess ;)... Although they will be mad that I didnt tell them and I will be lectured..ugh... Anyways I hop on my bike while grabbing my black bag and driving off...what I didn't know was that someone was watching and following.....

Annnnd that's it for today!
Until next time my fellow readers ;)

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