Ruby x Peridot

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Well I'm here and I'm new to writing so fill all your salt in a bag and prepare for my story clods.

Peridot's pov

Tap tap..Tap tap..Tap tap

Hearing the tapping of my roommates phone was hard to sleep by and trying to think of what do for this so called "party" was hard enough.

"Can you please stop with that tapping! Some people are trying to sleep"

Ruby: "Oh just stay up with me and text your girlfriend ame"


Ruby: "Come on just face it you like her and she likes you. You two been flirting at each other for two months just face like her."

"Well I kinda haven't asked her..yet, ok it's hard to ask out someone so sudden."

Ruby: "Bruh! Me and Sapphire been together sinc.."

"Wait I'm going to stop you right there because you end being emotional when we start having these conversations."

Ruby: "And remember when we had one of these "conversations"

*cough cough* "I don't remember..."

Ruby: *gets closer to me* "Oh you do remember~"

*looks away all blushed* "N..No I still don't remember."

Ruby: *turns my face towards hers and kiss me suddenly on the lips*

"Wha..was tha..oh fuck it!" *ram my lips into yours as my fingers rubs through your hair* Oh Ruby~

Ruby: "I knew you couldn't resist my lips." *reaches her left hand to my right boob and her right hand on my left boob and starts squeezing my breast firmly* "Just as I remembered all nice, big and soft.~"

*moans* "D..Don't tease me like that Ruby. Y..You know that turns me on, what if I did it to you!" *reaches my hands onto her nipples and start pulling on her nipples roughly*

Ruby: *moans* "Oh~ N..No fair you can't just play r..rough~ like that. But fine I'll start playing even rougher." *leans in towards me and starts to nibble on my neck*

"Wha..ooohh!~ F..Fine you win you big tease."

Ruby: "Oh sorry honey I'm not done with you." *takes her left hand off of my boob and her hand starts to cascade down to my pussy*

Ring ring..ring ring..ring ring!

Ruby: "Damn who can that be." *answers the phone that was next to her* "Hello~"

Sapphire: "Hey my eternal flame."

Ruby: "Hey my laffy sappy~"

Sapphire: "Well I just called to tell you goodnight, by the way was I bothering anything you were doing?"

Ruby: "Oh I was just in a "teasing session" with Peri."

Sapphire: *giggles* "Well I'm going to should too. Bye.~"

Ruby: "Bye.~" *hangs up first*

"Now can we go to sleep? I have to wake up and smell the first day of spring break."

Ruby: "Ok and now we can go to sleep but I'm going to leave your phone on just in case Ame calls or texts you."

"Fine but still Amethyst is not my girlfriend."

Ruby: "Fine whatever you say, amethyst lover.~"

"Whatever, goodnight Ruby."

Ruby: Goodnight Peri

I really need to think of a plan to ask out amethyst, but I have to find out a way where we can be alone and it will be all romantic. Ok yeah I need to sleep it's 1:06 a.m. No wonder why everyone is so "quiet". Well I just need to think about that "party" and think of a way to ask out amethyst, She is the only girl I will love.

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