Chapter 2

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Newt's POV

What the hell? How could the girl possibly know my name? She just woke up!

Many thoughts ran through my head at the moment. Saying I was confused was an understatement. I looked down at the girl below me to see her staring at me with wide eyes.

"How do you know my name?" I asked quickly.

"I-I honestly don't know... whenever you touched my hand I got this short flash of memory in my head. Your name just popped in my head out of nowhere. I swear I am just as confused as you are." she explained.

"What was the memory?" I edged on, wanting an answer.

"It was of you and I. We were sitting in a room where all the walls happened to be painted perfectly white. Almost as if it were to be fake. The lights in the room were almost blindingly bright. There was a giant window, the size of one of the walls, in the room as well. You and I were sitting on a bed that was placed in the middle of the room. We were just sitting there in silence, staring into each other's eyes. Then the memory ended." she continued explaining.

I sat there for a minute processing everything she said. How could she possibly have a memory from physical contact? It doesn't make any sense, none of the others have had this happen. Could she possibly be different?

As I was thinking, she reached out and grabbed my hand. She quickly intertwined our fingers and it finally clicked. I got the memory. I froze in my place as it flashed in my mind. Before I could completely comprehend it, it went away. I blinked several times trying to understand what was going on. The only thing I could think of was a name, her name. My eyes widened as the name slipped past my lips without a second thought.


"What the hell did you just say?" she questioned.

"That's your name. I had the vision thing just like you, I understand what your talking about now. Look, we can't tell the others about this. They will probably think something is up and do god knows what. So just keep your bloody mouth shut. Oh, and pretend you don't remember your name yet. It will make them less suspicious." I whispered.

She nodded her head and flashed me a smile. For some odd reason it made me flush slightly. Before anything else could happen, the door flew open. I jumped at the sudden movement and fell back in my chair. I heard (Y/N) giggle and I frowned up at her. She smiled and reached out to help me up. I stood up and dusted myself off.

"Glad to see your awake. I'm Alby, the leader of the glade. Do you remember your name?" Alby asked.

I shot a look at (Y/N), which went unnoticed by Alby. She glanced at me then back at Alby. She shook her head and looked down to the ground.

"Don't worry, you will get it back soon. I'm guessing you don't remember anything either?" he edged on.

She shook her head once again. "No sir."

"You don't have to call me sir, greenie. You look a lot better. You seem to have also gotten along with Newt, my second in command. If you're up to it, Newt could take you for the tour." Alby said.

"Tour?" she questioned.

"Of the glade." I answered.

She nodded her head and smiled. Alby nodded and smiled back, then he gestured towards me. He quickly left the room so we could begin the tour. I grabbed her hand, ignoring the tingly feeling I got, and we walked out of the hut.

I showed her around the glade. I showed the building, deadheads, box, and the entrance. I also explained all the rules to her and answered any questions she had. I listed all the jobs and explained them to see if she had any interest in one of them. She didn't seem all that confused. Most greenies would freak out and ask all kinds of questions, but for her she didn't really ask all that much. She seemed to grasp onto everything I said fairly easily, so not many questions were asked.

"It's about dinner if you want to go get something." I informed her.

She smiled and nodded her head. We probably should have fed her right after she woke up. I guess I got so caught up in the memory thing that I forgot.

We began to walk towards the kitchen. Minho and Ben just ran out of the maze and stopped beside us. Minho leaned down and put his hands on his knees. He looked up and glanced at (Y/N), soon shamelessly looking up and down her body. A smirk formed on his face and he placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Greenie day I see! Never figured I would come out of the maze to meet a girl. What a beauty." Minho chuckled.

"Don't talk about me like that. I'm a person, not a fucking animal." she sneered.

"Feisty, I like it." Ben added in.

She growled and continued walking to the kitchen, leaving us behind. I glared at them both and jogged slowly to catch up with her.

"Go get her lover boy!" Minho yelled and ran off to the map room.

I frowned and ignored his comment. Eventually I made it to her, and we were soon walking side by side again. We made it to the kitchen eventually. We grabbed our food and sat down at an empty table.

"Do you have any idea how the memories could have been triggered?" I asked.

"I think it has something to do with our past life." she mumbled.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Newt," she started "I think we knew each other before the maze."  

My Bloody Hero (Newt X reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora