[NOTE]: Important!

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Important Notice:

I won't be updating this with the girls' CFs anymore after their debut. I will only update this with important news and other updates on IOI's activities. I realised that if I constantly update this with their CFs, there would be too many parts already.

If you still want to get updated with their new CFs or magazine pictorials, then teampd101 on twitter would be a good source, since I mostly get the info I provide here from them (you might have noticed this as I almost always credit them on each part of this book).

But don't worry! I will still update this book especially with regards to their activities, concerts, tv show appearances, etc. but just not their CFs because there's too many of them.

Also, I'll update this soon with their songs' lyrics, album tracklists (and maybe reviews if I'll be able to) and their music show appearances.

Sorry and Thank you in advance!

p.s. Have you checked out this book's new cover? So much better than the previous one right? :D Thanks to cumenasai for the new cover!

Everything I.O.IOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant