Finding her

690 17 4

I watched the snow fall peacefully to the ground. Each speck of snow holding a different shape, flaunting its uniqueness as it sparkled. I hummed happily and watched as my mother and father rolled in the snow making snow angles.  As far as mates went they were perfect. I wanted to grow up and be exactly like them. To have a never ending love with my mate.

 I sat on a soft woolen blanket of snow observing my surroundings. I had put my book away, being too captivated by the landscape. The scenery was beautiful, there was tall forest trees in every direction and the ground was cover in thick blanket snow. Clear skys and mountanious landscapes ran for miles. We had a beautiful two story cabin at the base of a mountain.  We move a lot and this is the most beautiful place we've been so far. 

Suddenly my parents stopped what they were doing. Their wolf eyes flashed in every direction searching for a sign of danger.  They flinched as gun shot went off. Everything went into panic. Then bullets filled the air as they tried to hit us. My parents scrambled to their feet running in my direction. I felt like a dear caught in head lights. 

"Mom what's happening ?" I yelled in fear. She raced with inhuman speed to grab me. She was missing the gun fire by just a few inches. Who ever they were they were set on killing her.

"They found us Mike !" My mother yelled as we neared the house. My father had swung the door open so fast that it hit the wooden wall making splinters fly across the room. With the house shaking with heavy footfall a picture frame handing on the wall fell and smashed on the ground. It's glass falling at our feet. 

"Mike you know what to do, Hide her and grab the gun!" My mother ordered as she turned to grab the butcher knife out of the knife stand. My father ushered me up the stairs as fast as he could almost tripping at our rushed steps. We always knew this day would come. We just didn't expect it to happen so soon. 

"I love you sweetie. Remember to stay here until we come back okay. Just encase anything happens to us take this!". He handed me a map , a cell phone and a bag. I nodded and fought to hold back the tears that swelled in my eyes. I took in my fathers face one last time, if things turned sour and this truly was the last time in saw him. 

" I love you, be safe " I whispered up at him as I  climbed into the secret opening within the wall. I curled up in an uncomfortable position and slid the wall back into place. It was molded, dusty and damp in here. I had to fight the urge to sneeze. I covered my mouth and nose with my jumper sleeve and hoped for the best. 

I heard a battle commence down stairs. A series of snarls and gun shots filled the air. Stray tears fell from  my eyes as i tried my best to keep my courage and to hold them in. 

Suddenly a loud whine filled the air. I started to think the worst things imaginable. Like what if they were dead. What if they were hurt. I shook my head to try and rid the thoughts from my head. 

"Find her now !!" A powerful voice boomed. My entire body froze up with fear. This cannot be happening. I wanted to run out to my parents and lay my life down with theirs. It was clear that we were out numbered. I heard many footsteps and waited for them to die down. They thudded up the stairs towards my direction. I held my breath and the footsteps stopped outside the wall I was currently hiding in.

" I can smell her!" Another voice said. They were all male and I got that by their scent. They were also from a pack and if I was right they were from the pack that killed my Alpha and left us rogue. 

More footsteps gathered around the area I was in. Then it went silent. There was a loud crack and I was blinded by light for a few seconds. A large male wolf had stuck his fist straight through the wall without hesitation. Successfully shattering the panel.

" we found her "A man cheered. They grabbed me by the arm
and pulled me out. I kicked and pulled against their grasps, but they were bigger and stronger. They chuckled at my futile attempts. I was clearly not going to get away. 

"Let me go!!" I screamed through panicked breaths. They didn't listen they brought me down stairs to a muscular man who gave off the leader vibe. Then I saw both on my parents laying on the ground held at gun point . I screamed loudly and tears started to fall. Once again pulling as hard as i could to try and pry myself from the grasps. 

"It's okay sweetie stop crying " my dad said. He sent me a weary smile ,But it wasn't okay they were holding guns at my parents heads.

" What do you want " I cried at the top of my lungs. A cloth was brought to my mouth. No matter how hard I tried not to breath it in, I couldnt. I ended up swallowing a large breath of chemicals and my vision went blurry. Just before I was knocked out I heard two gun shots followed by thuds.


First chapter done yay
Tell me what ye think !
Bye bye

First chapter done yay Tell me what ye think ! Bye bye

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Oh and here's the characters.

Mike Gilbert (her father)
Aged : 43
Discription: tall dark brown hair hazel eyes and well built... Not too handsome. 5'7
Wolf: dark brown gold eyes
Mate : Lena Gilbert.

Lena Gilbert ( her mother)
Aged :37
Discription: dirty blonde hair one green eye one brown. 5'3 and beautiful.
Wolf: half white half black( special wolf )

Jessy Gilbert (main character)
Age: 18
Discription: long jet black hair and purple eyes. 5'3 extremely pretty.
Wolf: ?

John: beta (killed her parents)


Discription: blonde hair brown eyes, muscular. 6ft and handsome.

Wolf: dirty blonde gold eyes.

Yep this book is finally being put back up. 


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