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My head was pounding. I could tell i was just thrown in to the cell. blinking my eyes finally adjusted to my dark surroundings. Cold concrete floors greeted me along with the sound of water dripping and mice. It smelled so strongly of death. 

I brought my arms around my knees and hugged myself to try and get some warmth. Wiping away the tears I sat up against the wall. I was in cell with no color. No windows and a metal door with a small rectangle of bars near the top. I was a prisoner. I wanted to desperately survive but not without my family. I didn't know how to live in a world where they didn't exist. I didn't want to be here ,I didn't want to be alone.

The sound of metal banging caught my attention. I looked up at the metal door and saw that it was being opened. I scattered away to the furthest wall in fear. The dark room filled with a sudden burst of light causing me to block my eyes with one hand. 

"Rise and shine prisoner, get changed and get to work" he threw what looked like a maid outfit at me. I coward back and waited until he stopped staring at me. He was old and most likely a perv who want to see some skin but I folded my arms and looked away from him.

"Look here bitch if you don't change soon you'll get a beating" he roared. He suddenly grabbed me by the throat and pinned me against the wall. I gasped for air and squirmed in his grip to try and get some air. He smirked and dropped me to the floor. I landed with a thud and gasped for air. I rubbed my neck where the mans hands have been.

"I-I can't change with you watching" I whispered. He nodded and waited behind the closed metal door until I was ready. Once I was ready I knocked from the other side and he let me out. The smell of mold and blood became more prominent. How many wolves had died here... How many had been innocent?. 

He roughly grabbed my wrist and dragged me out of the cell. The scenery changed from a dark narrow hallway to a beautiful hallway which was decorated in elegant ornaments which they most likely had stolen by killing packs. This pack didn't have kindness and I knew because I watched the very wolves that walked theses halls rip my pack to pieces. I paled watching their unfazed faces pass me by. Visions of blood and limps flashed though my memories. 

"First you must clean the bedrooms , Joan is cleaning the halls and bathrooms, you are forbidden to talk to her and if you are spoken to you must answer and if the alpha tells you to do something you do it, I you don't you will be severely punished" he said sternly. I nodded because I didn't want to break his rules already. Without a glance in my direction he left, muttering something about war plans. Realizing I have a lot of work to do,  I picked up the polish and other cleaning supplies and marched to the bedroom. My head spun from the memories of when I would help clean the pack house as my daily chores. Smiling faces of the other girl who cleaned and sang to new radio hits were now replaced with the memories of their stone cold dead bodies. I shivered, brushing the uneasy feeling away and continued cleaning. I washed all the laundry, polished and hovered every bedroom on the second and third floor. I even fluffed the pillows and by the time I was done it was 7:15pm. 

My stomach rumbled in an obnoxious manner. I sighed sadly realizing that this is how I'm going to spend everyday until I die. When people say life is cruel, they mean it. I'll never meet my mate, I'll never have kids or grandchildren, I'll never get to see the world and most of all I'll never get to see my parents again. A silent tear rolled down my face. I bit my lip and held back the whimper that was trying to escape. Soon my soft cries eased and silence comforted me. Then I remembered In two weeks I'd have my wolf because I'll turn eighteen and I'll be strong and maybe... ill be able to handle myself better. 

Lost in thought I slumped down on the tiles. I looked at the tile amazed by the beautiful intricate designs but then it was ruined by a shadow. Fear ran through my body, this presence was almost overwhelming. I couldnt bring myself to look up, without even wanting to I was submitting. 

"Get up" The voice was rough and was him, The alpha. I nodded and stood up. Disobeying an Alphas order surely meant punishment or worse.  I straighten my back and fixed my outfit, not wanting my appearance to give him something to be mad about. I kept my gaze on the beautiful tiles refusing to look at him.

"Your beautiful" he grabbed my chin and I immediately flinched. I felt violated and uncomfortable as he eye rapped me. I chanted please stop over and over again in my head. My heart beat quickened and I started to shake.

" Huh.. your afraid of me...good" I finally raised my head, my eyes starting low and working their way up his body. He was well built and many scars littered his body, but his eyes were something that made me want to run. Dark red like innocent blood shed, more wolf the human. This man was not meant to be alpha by his aura. He murdered the previous. I could tell all this by the amount of power that radiated off of him. A true alpha has much more power in his aura, he had half. He growled at me noticing how I stared at him with disgust and I immediately bowed in submission.

"Sorry Alpha" I bowed again before walking away. A hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me back. I landed on the floor and the Alpha quietly looked down at me with a possessive anger. I groaned in pain and slowly stood up again.

"Stay out of my way unless I ask for your presence !" He growled as he took off with his back to me. Talk about aggressive. As he walked a small dark chuckled escaped his lips. I dusted myself off and walked off in the opposite direction of the Alpha, hoping to run into another maid. I was soon met by a sparkling brown pair of eyes.

"Your eyes are funny" the little boy giggled. A small smile grazed my lips. Well they are purple so I don't blame him for it. He giggled and reached a hand out to touch my face. Though I didnt like being touch by anyone, his innocent was so pure and refreshing. With a sigh I bent down and let his small hands examine my face. 

" Your very pretty " the boy smiled brightly. I smiled and looked at him with curiosity. Children always were my weakness, but what was a little boy doing wandering the corridor at this time. 

"I'm Alexander , my brothers the beta" I suddenly gasped and realized he is not the person I should be talk to. I quickly excused myself and walked back to where the beta left me at first and sure enough a few minutes later he found me.

"Are you done " he asked in a monotone way. He tapped his foot and crossed his arms waiting for my answer. It was as if he was repulsed by me. As if he could stand the sight of me.

"Yes" I nodded. He roughly grabbed my arm and dragged me up a two flights of stairs. We reached a hallway which had oak floors and red walls. It was nice but not like everywhere else in the mansion. He opened a door and shoved me in. I landed on the floor and the door slammed shut leaving me in darkness.

Ok I know this book has been morbid so far but I can't promise that it will get better. I can promise that I will update soon :)

RoyaltyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora