Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten: Not for Drinking

(Emma’s P.O.V.)

I had my bags packed, my work off, and made all the promises required by Becky to give her all the details of my trip. Well, my trip that was going to last something like two days. I was meeting the boys somewhere out in the country and then just touring with them for a couple days before I flew back home. After that school started again and the boys were going back to the U.K. I knew that there was distance between Louis and I before, and I knew that soon he’d have to go home, but it was still going to be weird not having him within the same time zone or the same country. I was going to miss that I could have had access to him if I needed it. Now things would be complicated. I didn’t like complicated. Although I had no doubt in my mind that Louis wouldn’t end things because of the distance, it was a thought that occasionally crept its way to the front of my brain.

Louis knew I wasn’t the type of person that handled commitment well. He probably assumed commitment and great distance would be even more of a hardship on our blooming relationship. I promised myself, though, that I would try my absolute hardest to make it work. I really liked Louis, and he really liked me. It was unusual for me to reciprocate the feelings held towards me and I wanted it to last because, believe it or not, it was really nice. Louis was always there for me despite his busy schedule. A text was sent and there was always a reply no matter what hour or space. He was someone I could have fun with, in many ways may I add, and someone to really talk to. I was so used to keeping those two types of people in separate categories. Friends for talking and strange men for fun. But Louis was no stranger, and that was making it better. Everything was better.

“It’s going to be so weird without you here!” Becky sighed while we drove to the airport.

“You’ll be fine,” I reassured her.

“I know I’ll be fine and that’s the problem! It’s going to be so quiet. I won’t have any fun and it will be so god damn quiet. Nothing exciting will happen.”

“Hey, on the bright side, you can bring home as many guys as you want,” I teased. She rolled her eyes at me.

“Yeah but who wants to go out alone.”

“Beck, you act as if we have no other girl friends,” I laughed.

“They aren’t like you,” she smiled.

“Of course not! But they’re better than nothing.”

“Alright. Let’s just say I’ll be anxiously waiting for you to come home so we can gossip and you can tell me all about your time with Louis.’

“And we can have a little night out,” I deviously laughed.

“Oh god Emma! The day before school starts?”

“Hey why not?”

“You’re crazy,” she smirked.

“That’s why you love me!” I replied cheerily.

“Save the positive energy for Lou. Actually, save it all for him. The poor guy won’t see you for forever.”

“Oh shut up Becky!” I laughed.

We finally arrived to the airport after I fell asleep once and then Becky made me switch with her so I was driving. When we got there, I had to shake her awake. It was the middle of the night, but by the time I reached the boys it’d be early morning.

“Be safe, Emma. I’m serious. I love you so much, and don’t do anything stupid,” Becky said while we held each other at the entryway.

“You too, Beck. But I can’t promise anything.”

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