You shouldn't care

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Okay, this isn't going to be a story but a reason. A reason why you shouldn't give a shit on what people think. I joined wattpad in the middle of February 2016 and the things people are thinking to do. Oh my god. Liten to me. You shouldn't care what people think of you. That means if you are gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender or anything! You are you, don't let anyone take that away from you. Why should you even care? If you are having a bad day, then it's up to you to make it better. DON'T let anyone bring you down, and if they do then guess what, It's your job to get right back up! I actually respect the people who came out because society now is just a bitch and HATES people who aren't straight. It will be hard for a while, I'm not gonna lie, but guess what. Imagine now happy you will be after that and how strong you will be. If you just want someone to talk to or are thinking of hurting or even killing yourself then please come and talk to me. Don't fix a non temporary problem with a temporary solution. So please, if you do wanna talk or anything like that then PLEASE, from the bottom of my heart message me. I don't care what time, just message me. I may be 13 but that number defines my age and not my IQ score.

Thank you for listen and what I say is true. You shouldn't care. And if you do wanna talk, don't hesitate to message. Have a great weekend everyone.

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