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"Okay, campers," announced the counselor, which I assumed her name was Courtney. "Everyone needs to head out to their cabins and get settled in before heading back to the Main Area. If anyone needs help finding their cabin feel free to ask me anything!"

        Everyone was half way gone before she could even finish that announcement. I guess all those campers have been here before. Gosh, I hate being a newbie. I held a map of the camp in my hands and took a long deep breath before nervously walking up to the blond, tall woman.

        She was quickly writing down things on her clipboard before she looked my way and blinked. "Oh, hi there," she said brightly with a smile.

        I gulped and apprehensively unfolded my map. "U-um, hi M-Miss. I-I'm new here and...I-I don't know w-where my cabin is l-located..." I stuttered out. Ugh, I hate when I do that. It's such a bad habit.

        Courtney gasped enthusiastically. "Ooooh! You must be..." she flipped through some papers on her clipboard, "Nathaniel Collins, correct?"

        I nodded. "Y-yes ma'am..."

        "Okay well, your cabin number is #18 which is right!" she exclaimed, circling the assigned cabin on my map. That's so cool! 18 is actually my favorite number.

        "Just follow that sand trail to your right and it'll lead you there," she informed with a warm smile, patting my shoulder.

        "Oh, o-okay. Th-thank you, Miss."

        "Call me Courtney,"

        "Th-thank you, Courtney,"

        I did what she said and walked down the long, sandy trail to my cabin. Some campers bumped and passed by me, having pleasant conversations with their friends. Sigh. As much as I hate to admit it, I kinda envied the friendships that surrounded me.

        Since I'm not that good at meeting people, I've never had an actual best friend before. I'm so lonely that I sometimes I talk to myself, or have a full conversation with my stuffed purple bunny, Cuddles. Again, don't judge me. I love my bunny Cuddles... Please don't tell anyone that I have a stuffed bunny!

        Anyways... I propped up my backpack over my shoulder whilst dragging a suitcase through the sandy trail. Why am I dragging it, now it's gonna track sand in the cabin! Ugh...

When I got to the small, dark wooden cabin, my legs began to feel like jelly. What if I had to share this cabin with someone? What if they think I'm weird? What if they hate me?

        I shut my eyes and inhaled deeply to calm myself down. I'm just overreacting as usual. Keeping my eyes completely closed I slowly walked up the steps on the cabin, preparing myself for whatever is to come.

        I held in my breath, slowly turning the knob of the wooden door.


        Jeez, they really need to fix this door...

        I slightly smiled to myself as I didn't hear any voices when I stepped in. Yes! I'm alone!

        "HAAAAAA! You look like a crazy crack head with braids!" I heard someone laugh loudly, making me jump in shock and stumble to the ground. The person just laughed even more harder at my dispense.

        Sigh. So much for being alone...


I know it sucked, but you can tell me what you think anyway if you want to. :P Aww, Nathaniel is too cute. ^.^ He actually brung his bunny to camp with him, too. ;) ^w^

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