Chapter 1

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"Adam. Adam wake up. We have a job." I shook Adam as hard as I could. I gave up and sat down on his side of the bed. I felt a set of arms wrap around my waist. I turned around and saw Adam smirking.

"Good morning to you too beautiful." He said in his husky yet sexy morning voice.

"Adam." I sighed. I leaned over and kissed him.

"You've got to stop being so damn handsome." I smirked. He closed his eyes trying to go back to sleep.

"Oh no you don't. You're forgetting i'm in this with you." I laughed pulling his limp body out of bed and dragged him into the kitchen.

"How much... Do you.. Weigh." I said in between each yank of his arm.

"i'm only 176." He laughed. I sighed at how unfit I was then released his arm and walked away. Adam rolled over and stood up following me.

"Where are you going?" He asked pulling me into his embrace.

"To work." I spit trying not to make eye contact with him. He spun me around and forced the unwanted eye contact. I sighed again.

"Why are you sighing so much?" He questioned.

"I don't know it's annoying though, you make me so vulnerable you know that darling?" I questioned. He cupped my face and winked. Our lips danced a familiar dance until he pulled away.

"Still have a job?" He smirked.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, and so do you." I smiled and walked out the door. I walked down the hallway with the sound of heels clicking on the ground trailing behind me. I reached my car and hopped in throwing my bag in the back seat. I looked out my window to see Adam making his way to his car. His shoulder length hair was blowing in the wind. The snow landing in his brown hair made him look sexier. His dark chocolate eyes sparkling from the sun. He was so perfect and he was mine. My thoughts were interrupted by Adam pulling up next to me.

"Admire when we get there love." He chuckled and drove away. I pulled out and followed him. Once I arrived at work I walked over to Adams car and helped him out. We interlocked hands and walked in like we did any other day. We finally made it to the room our show was held and everyone was here. Adam kissed me and we went our separate ways. I walked over to my so called 'boyfriend' and pulled my script out.

"Hey Conner." I spoke trying to gain his attention.

"Huh, Oh hey Annabelle." He said looking up and rubbing the back of his neck.

"What's wrong? I've never seen you this stressed out." I laughed. He just stared at me.

"C'mon you can tell me anything." I said lightly punching his arm.

"Okay, so you know how this show has been make out sessions and kissing. No sex." He explained.

"I wouldn't say no sex.. but yeah"

"Well if there was sex it wasn't any of the main characters. Anyway the director thought it's season 3 and there is no sexy action going on so he put-" Conner was interrupted by me.

"We have sex." I said.

"No..." He denied.

"Then who?" I questioned scared.

"Adam and Joel." He said barley audible. You could hear the fear in his voice.

"No..." I whispered.

"It's not in my script." I said paging through it.

"Page 15" I turned to page 15 and saw the words that made me disgusted. The seduction, kissing, feeling, everything made me disgusted. My stomach twisted and my heart pounded. I stomped over to the director.

"Pete." I said making him turn around.

"Am I needed today. I'm feeling sick" I said grabbing my stomach. Pete shook his head no then turned back to the camera guy. I stormed off and got in my car. I turned on the car and just sat in the heat for a little while. It felt warm and comfortable so I shut my eyes. When I opened my eyes again it was darker out. I looked at the time and it was no longer 9:30. It was 3:00 P.M. I turned off my car and stood out of it. I looked around the parking lot trying to see if someone was still here. Adams car was still here and so was Joels. I nearly threw up in my mouth, I couldn't take this anymore. I closed the car door and went back inside. I opened the door to the room quietly and snuck in. I turned toward the stage and there was a couch in the setting of a living room. On that couch lied Adam on top of Joel. I cupped my mouth not allowing any noises. Tears formed in my eyes.

Why am I upset, this is the acting career. He's not really cheating on you silly  I thought to myself trying to calm down. I relaxed and exited the room going back to my car. I actually made it home this time. I struggled with my keys until the door finally unlocked. I threw my bag on the couch and walked to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror. I examined my outfit. I was wearing a grey pencil skirt with a white blouse. I took off my blouse and my pencil skirt leaving me in my bra, underwear, and heels. I threw the heels into the hall and took off my undergarments. . I turned on the shower and closed the bathroom door. I walked into the shower and slid the shower door closed. After what felt like an hour of relaxation, I turned off the shower and dried off. I wrapped the towel around me and walked into my room. I searched the drawer and couldn't find any night wear. I grabbed one of Adams shirt and some undergarments. I strapped my bra on and slid on some underwear. I threw on Adams shirt and watched it fall down just below my knees. I smiled at the long shirt and walked back to the bathroom. I shut the door to use the full body mirror that was hung on the back of the door. I brushed my hair until it contained no knots. I put the brush down and stared at myself in the mirror. My short legs, and my small feet. I was only 5'4 and Adam was 6'3. I smiled at the thought of my wonderful boyfriend. I heard the front door slam open and something glass break. I quickly locked the bathroom door and stood there staring at the door. I watched myself in the mirror as I shook in horror. There was a silence for about 15 minutes until the bathroom knob began to turn. It stopped then vigorously began to shake. Soon enough the door was smashed down and I was on the ground crying. I covered my face with my arm.

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