Don't look, it's weird!

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Okay, here's another chapter ^^ hope you'll like it!

"Oi, Sawada, lunch's here." Shamal said gloomily and yawned as he closed the door behind himself after coming in. He looked like he would sleep some more even though it was almost noon. Tsuna smiled and took the meal from the doctor, thanking him. He was already very hungry, because since the Disciplinary committee came he couldn't go out of the infirmary and buy something. Shamal sat down on his chair and watched him eat, automatically looking for cigarettes in his pocket.

"I didn't expect that Disciplinary committee would be here." he mentioned.

"Me neither. If I were to know, I would have bought more food in vending machine." Tsuna mumbled through his full mouth of food.

Shamal wondered if he should ask about the prefect, but rejected the idea. 'The last time when I asked, I almost got myself in trouble, so no more asking!' he thought and felt quite relieved that Hibari didn't find out about Tsuna. Maybe he likes cat ears, but to test whether this "maybe" is true or not and ruin because of it Tsuna's plans for Hibari's birthday was quite stupid, because the prefect must be really pissed off right now, so if he found out it was Shamal's fault, he would kill him for sure.

'But seriously how can a 16-year-old brat like him be so frightening?' Shamal looked out of the window and put one cigarette between his lips, looking for lighter.

Suddenly Tsuna's phone started to ring and startled them. The brunette quickly gulped and glanced at display only to see his lovers name there. He sighed and grabbed the phone, watching it wondering what should he do.

"Are you going to pick it up or not?" Shamal asked and exhaled the smoke. "That constant ringing is annoying, you know."

"I'm sorry!" Tsuna said and turned his phone into silent mode. "...I don't know what to say to him..." he muttered quietly.

"Hmpf, not my problem." the doctor rolled his eyes. "Btw you should hide behind the curtain again. Someone can come here and see you."

"Hai..." Tsuna handed Shamal empty plastic bag with his lunch and lied down, surrounded by white curtain. He watched the display and touched his ears. It was really terrible...

After few more rings the shining display of the phone went out and stayed silent as if nothing happened. Tsuna knew though that it was just a matter of time before Hibari will start looking for him. The brunette sent him a message yesterday, saying that some things happened and that he can't celebrate his birthday with him, but he forgot to tell him that he won't be at home. It was stupid because after reading that text the prefect must have been quite pissed off and also curious about what happened, so he certainly went to visit him, but found no one. But now it was too late to write him a lie that he's at friends house - it was also really bad to write something like that when he was supposed to celebrate with him.

The brunette sighed and rubbed his ears. 'I just hope he won't find me here.' he thought.

Suddenly the door opened loudly and startled Shamal and Tsuna terribly. The brunette looked the way where the intruder should be and wondered, who could it be. He couldn't see anything because of the curtain. He heard Shamal stood up quickly.

"W-what are you doing here?!" the doctor stuttered a bit and Tsuna was very curious, who could scare him so much to the point he had problems with speaking.

'Wait! There's only one person that would be able to do it!' the brunette thought but still hoped he was wrong.

"That should be my question." said the cold voice and Tsuna flinched when he heard him. As he thought. It really was Hibari!

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