Chapter 2: Strange Encounters

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Judy wiped the sweat from her forehead with the back of her paw as she slid off the hood of her final ticketed car. She glanced at her watch and realised that Bogo had given her the rest of the day from lunchtime off, and that she had worked an extra six hours.

She groaned out of tiredness and turned to walk back to her car, when she heard someone scream.

"Help! Help!"

Judy's ears perked up as she whipped her body around in the direction of which she heard the scream, to see an old lady armadillo being robbed by a fox.

"Help!" She screamed as the fox finally won the battle and snatched the armadillo's handbag off of her, pushing her over shortly after and running off.

"Hey!" Judy called out in anger as she ran over to the armadillo, kneeling down next to her and helping her up.

"Are you ok, ma'am?" She asked, putting a paw on the armadillo's shoulder.

"Yes I'm fine b-but, he has my purse," the armadillo answered in worry, pointing a shaky finger at the fox who was now halfway down the street.

"Don't worry, ma'am, I'll get your purse back!" Judy exclaimed, not even bothering to take off her vest and hat before starting to chase the fox down the street.

Judy sprinted as fast as she could, with the help of the civilians moving out of the way to clear space for her, and she slowly began gaining on the fox. He was fast, she'd give him that, but she wouldn't let him get away.

"Hey!" She yelled. "Stop in the name of the law!"

The fox turned around for a second, still running, and took a look at Judy, turning his nose up at her before turning back around. Judy growled in annoyance and began to run faster, ignoring the searing pain in her chest as she drew closer and closer to the fox.

Suddenly, he turned a corner into a dark alleyway, and Judy skidded to a stop at the alley entryway before running into it. The fox stopped dead in his tracks in front of a wall and Judy wanted to celebrate. It was a dead end.

She pulled out her fox taser from her back pocket and held it up in the position of a gun.

"Put your paws up," Judy ordered, ignoring the shiver of fear that went up her spine as the fox turned around slowly, the lack of sunlight in the alleyway making his smirk even more devilish.

It was just then that Judy actually examined what he was wearing, as she never had thought about it while chasing the fox. He was wearing a green Hawaiian shirt with a blue and pink striped tie and brown khaki pants. He had bright emerald green eyes that shone in the dim light of the alleyway.

The fox slowly stuck his paws in the air, taking a moment to examine Judy before scoffing.

"Oh wow, a fox taser. Who gave you that, your daddy?" He teased, smirking at Judy.

She tightened her grip around her taser and readied her finger above the trigger, ignoring the pounding of her heart against her chest. Judy couldn't tell why she was so nervous, but it must've had something to do with the fact that the criminal was a fox. She had had a bad past with foxes and was always a little scared of them.

Suddenly, her dispatch radio emitted static, meaning that someone was trying to get a hold of her. Judy gasped and flinched slightly, adding more to her nervous persona as she looked down briefly at the radio strapped to her chest, then back up at the fox.

"Dispatch to Officer Hopps, we got a street robber down on Main Street," McHorn spoke through the radio over the static.

Judy held her finger down on a button and spoke back into the radio.

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