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Well I'm Serenity, it is obviously not my real name, but I stick to it cause it describes me pretty well, I'm a girl, that isn't to pretty, nor an ugly troll from Harry Potter, I'm normal. It's a fact (and I plan to prove it, just wait till I get a novel award, so I can focus on this mystery of the Universe) that my definition of "normal" isn't the "normal" that every girl in my school has. For like 75-89% of all of them I'm the weird girl, and why?, no it isn't because I'm an alien that plans to conquer the world to steal your chocolate, nor because I'm a Cyclops that is a half sister of a certain Poseidon's son, it's because they don't take the time to know me better before they judge. From the day I decided to be a good student to make my family proud I was labeled as a nerd, even though I know that being a nerd is awesome, cause think, who invented your phone?, that's right someone that was labeled as a "nerd", but when they have those high spectatives from you and they rub it on your face with things like "ugh, she obviously knows the answer is the nerd for god's sake!" Or the typical situation in which the teacher chooses you to answer a question and they say " it's always Serenity" it gets a little frustrating and sad to be one, but never let your hopes down my friends and readers, because there are 2 ways to live your life!
The first one in which you choose to only see the negative things and instead of trying to find a way to solve it you just stay there waiting for the end to come, or the one that you try to solve your problems, seeing the positive things that happen and try to solve the sad ones that come or are yet to be revealed, it's your decision so I won't try to tell you how to live your life after all it's YOUR life not mine, or from the girl next door, it's YOURS that means you can do everything that you want to, but please don't go a little overboard with that remember that you must respect others and their rights too.
Well I have acquaintances and like 5 friends, why? First I'm a little shy, wait... Let me rephrase that from a scale from 1 to 100 I'm on the 150 of shyness, that closes my opportunities to be a social chick or whatever they call themselves, second I don't like to burden anyone with my problems and third I'm not the type to begin conversations, so that's right you can tell that I am a weird girl in the social area.
Till next time my lovely readers.

And remember be You for You not for others, others come and go, but YOU will always be YOU, YOU must always love YOU, YOU must always respect YOU, YOU must always be happy of being YOU, because if YOU don't do it? Who else will?, YOU must put your limits, YOU must set your rules, because YOU aren't a simple pawn ready to be moved, YOU must be the hand that decides when and what move to do!
Your friend and Wattpad user

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