Part 6: Natural

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Lmao I haven't updated in years

Here's one I like

The guy Yoongi had gone on a date with last night was something special. He just knew it.

Yoongis friend Taehyung had said the pair up, hoping the opposing personalities would be a good mix.

Taehyung had told him that The date he at that point knew nothing about was "Bubbly and bright but shy." Everything he was not. The difference in their personalities had made him even more nervous. In the end Yoongi ended up thinking he was just precious.

-Last Night-

"So ever since then I've lived in Seoul as a dancer." Jimin's made up eyes lit up vividly as he spoke of what seemed to be his passion.

"Really?" Yoongi said, equally as excited. "I'm an underground rapper!"

"Well, if you rap underground I'll pick up the check. Trust me I know it doesn't pay way. I have a friend in the business." Yoongi blushes slightly as Jimin reached for the black book that had been sitting on the table for longer than it was probably supposed to.

The pair finished up their conversation and stood from the table.

Yoongi drove Jimin home insisting that "It's too dark for you to walk now," and "It's really no trouble." They rode down a dimly street.

The night blackness was cut by the orange lighting of the street lamps.

Yoongi turned his head to Jimin every so often as he was driving, who was at this point staring at his feet and fiddling with his small fingers.

Yoongi used the passing car at the stop sign as an excuse to merely look at Jimin, to take him in.

A black loose sweater hung around his strong shoulders and came halfway down his hands to his small fingers, which Yoongi noticed were lined with thick sliver rings, and linked around the cuff of his sleeve.

His facial features were soft. His cheeks were puffed and squishy, but his jawline remained sharp. His eyes were painted with black liner especially around the corners. It made him vivid, like art on a white canvas. His eyelids were covered in a pale grey shadow. The under part of his eyes, which Yoongi came to notice crinkled when he smiled, were made alive by some lovely kind of orange glitter, that came to meet the black liner. His eyes were strong and in your face, not his disposition was so calm and reserved.

The Orange matched his soft hair, which was parted down the middle, and Yoongi could see the brown roots starting to peek their way back into the colour around his face; the face that concealer made visibly paler.

Jimin looked at Yoongi who was still mesmerised by his countenance He quickly diverted his eyes forward and pressed the gas pedal.

In a few minutes down the same road, Jimin spoke up.

"This is my house." He said bending to look through the windshield.

Yoongi slowed steadily, come upon a grey house with a front porch and flowers in the window boxes.

"My roommate is going to kill me for coming home so late."

"Jimin it's like 10:30."

"Well," He laughed a little, looking at Yoongi. "Jungkook is a baby."

"Sorry then."

"Don't worry about it." Jimins arms reached across his body, un clicking the seatbelt. He then opened the door. Once he stood outside the car, he leaned his head into the open window.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2016 ⏰

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