Dark house

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Click..click..click...your footsteps echo in the hall,your blood is running fast, Your body is tense,your heart beating like a drum,your hands clenching into fists as you slowly walk to your room. Your ears are listening to every single sound you could possibly hear,Your small bare feet start to feel the frigid cold shock from walking off the carpet to the hard wooden stairs.Your eyes fix to the top of the stairs as you take one step then another and another until you have reached the top,but you aren't alone. Your room is straight ahead,your feet sprint to the familiar door as the small beams of light shine under the door and light the small entrance. You can hear the savage beasts coming for you! Your hands grab the doorknob and twists it fast! The light floods the hall way and its as if you can hear the monsters that you feel have been following you yell and screech in the pain of the light being shone from your room. Your feet pivot on there heel and turn to look in the hall,it's dark and lonesome but your lit room is your only friend. Your feet pivot again and face your lightly lit room,your safe room. Your exhausted body falls into the bed and lays motionless,you grab the blankets and pull them to your neck. Your fingers reach for the light switch the click them off,your hands recoils and pulls the blanket over your head to keep you safe.

The monsters are back...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2013 ⏰

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