Chapter 9

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October 20th, 2013

Baki sat to his left, Simon on his right. Bodil was uncomfortably squashed between the two angels as they sat on the bed.

He almost felt like a criminal, stuffed into the back of a police car. Bodil sighed and glanced around the small room. Seto sat on the floor across from the trio, staring pat them at the wall. He had been distant since they had stopped Jordan. He really hoped this wasn't a bad thing. Jordan was leaning against the wall, staying as far away from Bodil as possible. Ryan was standing next to him, trying to get the demigod to talk. Sky was just standing there, awkwardly running his hand through his hair.

"So..." Simon muttered, eyes flicking up and around. "What- what now?"

Bodil shifted, scooting forward to the edge of the bed. "I guess I can explain a bit more."

Seto straightened up slightly, seeming suddenly interested. He nodded for Bodil to start. The Fallen cleared his throat, took his shades off, and started to speak.

"Well, I used to be a guardian angel. But because of a-" He paused and cleared his throat, shoving down memories. "But now I'm a Fallen."

He hesitated again. Simon nudged him. Bodil glanced over at the other angel, then the others. They didn't know that he was an angel. They thought he was a Fallen, just like Bodil and Baki. He had to keep them from finding out Simon was an actual angel.

"Why?" Sky asked, shoving his hands inside his jacket pocket. He hadn't had time when Baki had-literally-crashed into him to get his armor plating, so he had worn a simple t-shirt, shorts and a jacket. He had forgotten, really. He was sure anybody else would forget to wear armor, too, if a friend of your friend just fell from the sky donning a pair of black wings. "Why are you a Fallen? How does that happen, anyway?"

Bodil glanced at him, then glanced out the window. "You Fall if you commit a crime against the Aether."

Seto looked at him, eyebrows raising. "So you guys are technically criminals?"

Bodil swallowed. He could feel Baki tense beside him, but Simon simply smirked and shrugged. "No, it depends on the severity of the crime. A Fallen is different from a criminal in many ways. One could have Fallen because it had, say, tried to kill Notch. Or, another could have Fallen because it was too lazy to protect their kid-" Baki swallowed thickly at this "-or anything less severe than that."

"So what'd you guys do?"

Simon paused, then, glancing at the two Fallen. Then he looked back at the Overworlders. It was obvious he didn't know what to say at that point. After all, he couldn't exactly just tell them why they had done to Fall. Bodil spoke up for him. "Baki... His kid's nam is Antony. He lost him in the End, and angels are forbidden to go there. So he Fell for that."

Sky looked up at Baki, then turned his eyes over to Bodil. "So what'd you do?"

Silently, Bodil curled one of his hands into a fist, digging his nails into his palm. "I tried to poison Notch."

He got sharp glared from the other two angels, and widened stares from the others. He blinked, orange eyes narrowed in preparation for the rejection the others were sure to show.

"Wh-what?" Baki whispered, eyebrows arching. "I thought it was-"

Bodil shook his head furiously, looking down at the cracked floorboards. "No... Well, yes. I lost my kid, but then something else happened, and..."

"So you actually tried to-"

Bodil nodded once, cutting Jordan off mid-sentence. "Yeah, I did."

He felt the disbelief in their gazed, and the disappointment from Simon and Baki. The other two angels hadn't known the exact reason Bodil had Fallen; they as thought it was for the same reason Baki fell. That was only a fraction of the cause.

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