Do You Remember Mommy?

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You were the one that was holding my hand when we went through hell together. You would say everything was fine and I would hide in the closet away from Daddy. You would tell me you loved me every minute of the day and never go away. I was your little girl. I was yours from the womb and in which I would have stayed. You, Mommy, taught me how to be me. How to fight and stand tall for what I believe in. To face my fears and don't back down.

Remember those days, when a mommy was a mommy and a daddy was a daddy. Now you're neither. Now where is daddy?


Mommy, I'm all grown up. Well im 13 and I cant find you in the witch who took me in after you left me.Im scared of her. She hits me mommy. I miss you. I want to see you again Mommy.

Mommy I figured out where you were, you never left. You were the witch, mommy. I thought you left me. Silly me. You look way different now mommy. Your dirty and you don't look pretty anymore mommy. What happened Mommy? Where is your silky soft black hair? I can't see your blue eyes anymore, you look like a racoon. Your teeth are crooked. What is that funny smelling water you're always drinking when your face gets red. Kinda like my crayon mommy.

You hit me when I cry. I now never cry where you can see when you hit me. I run from you and you just laugh.

You locked me in the basement. It's cold down there mommy. Oh mommy something terrible happened today. I started bleeding from what you call my no no spot. It was a terrible pain and I wanted to cry but I didn't want you to think I was a baby mommy. I'm not a baby anymore. I love you mommy remember that.

Today you hugged me. For the first time in forever.Some guy came over. That's why you did it. He was mean mommy why would you want to impress him? Mommy you hugged him to and he handed you money. You locked me in the basement. You lied to the man mommy, you told him it was my playroom.

Mommy I think that man hurt you. Last night I heard you crying and the house was shaking. I thought it was going to fall. I cried too mommy when you cried. I didn't know what to do. Why was he hurting you?

Mommy that man finally left, your hair's all messy. Not like before when you first met him. Why did he kiss you on the cheek mommy? I don't like him. You seemed happy. You had money, you counted it all then you went back to your room and started crying again.

I walked in your room when you were crying. You looked at me and got really mad mommy.

"Whats wrong mommy?"

You threw your dryer at me. You hit me in the head mommy.

You came down to my basement today mommy. You looked really pretty mommy.You were holding something behind your back. It looked really shiny and big. Did you get me a present mommy? I asked you about my toy you just grabbed me by the arm and took me upstairs with you. When you grabbed me I wanted to cry but I didn't.

I looked at you. You looked happy. I liked that you looked happy mommy. Where were you taking me?

When we got upstairs you took me to your room mommy. That man was in there. She looked at me and you released your grip mommy. Your threw me into his arms and walked out. He whispered in my ear and I started to cry. He was touching me mommy what was going on? Why was he doing this? Why were you letting him?

He took off my panties mommy and he touched me in my no no spot. He was smiling the whole time mommy. He put something inside me mommy. It hurt really bad and I started to cry. I tried to scream but he covered my mouth mommy. Mommy! He was heavy on top of me. I wanted him to stop.

Finally he stopped and he took me downstairs. You were sitting on the couch. You were waiting. He smiled and said something, handing you a big stack of money. 

2 weeks later, 

You stood up and looked at me and gave me a stick. You told me to pee on it. So I did.

You got mad after I gave it back to you mommy; whispered curse words under your breath. Did you hate me mommy? When you looked at me you were smiling mommy. Your teeth were really yellow and they looked nasty.

Mommy you told me that I was pregnant. That I had a baby inside me. I started to cry. I didn't want a baby.

9 months later mommy,

I had the baby. It was a boy. You took it from me. You wouldn't let me see him mommy. I had the baby in the bathtub, mommy. It really hurt. You weren't there though. You wouldn't help me. You sat in the other room and waited. I screamed when the baby was out. You cut something and said the baby was hers now.

Mommy you pulled a knife on me today. You plunged it into my tummy. Why mommy? Why did you do that. You said you only needed one child and that was Joey, my baby.

Before you sent me back to the basement you gave me a glass of water to drink. It tasted funny so I spit some out.

When I went to sleep I felt weird. Mommy, I saw a light. Where am I going mommy?

What happened.

If you know somebody who is being abused, tortured or betrayed contact the police right away. Nobody deserves to be treated like nothing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2016 ⏰

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