Chapter 5

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Riley POV
Ugh school. Yeah it's Monday and I'm really not in the mood today but at least I get to see Stacey and Kate. Their two of my best friends I'm closer to them than I am with Casey. We all go to the same school but Anja is in a higher grade than me she's a grade 11 while I'm in grade 10. Megan, Casey, Joella, Stacey and Kate are all in my grade so is Jaylin. Joey and James are both in Matrix. I walked into Raymond High and was immediately greeted by Stacey and Kate. "Hi" they both said in unison "Hey" I said back smiling. " Congrats on first place with your solo, Jaylin told us" Kate says. I didn't know Jaylin like telling me people about my accomplishments hmmmn I gotta tease him about this later.

"Oh did he now" I said slightly amused. "Yeah he did and he kind told us not to tell you, so don't tell him we told" says Stacey "I won't no problem" I say I'm so telling him

We then started talking about random things when all of a sudden I hear the clicking of high heels click click click it was Cameron Holler. I love Cameron she's funny and sweet. She's a good friend. "Hey girls" she chirps with a big smile on her face. "Hey Cammy" I call her Cammy. "Hey so I'm having a pool party after school today before exams start and you guys should come and should totally bring Jaylin" she says with a big smile on her face.

Stacey and Kate both agree to go. "I'd love to come but Jaylin has soccer practice today so I don't think he'll make it" I say and I couldn't help but notice the disappointment  on her face. "Oh ok but at least ask him for me?" She suggests. I just nod.

"Hey Love" Jaylin says suddenly showing up next to me. "Hey" I say not really noticing his presence. "Something wrong?" He asks "uh no it's that Cammy invited us to her pool party today after school and well I said you couldn't go because of soccer practice and she looked I don't know like sad" I say confessing I mean there's no point in lying to him. "Is that why your so sad?" He asks kind of confused. "Yea I mean didn't she used to have a thing for you?" I asked kinda worried I mean Cameron is really pretty and well  she did used to have a thing for Jaylin. "Love you have nothing to worry about I only have eyes for one girl" he states reminding me. You see a lot of girls have crushes on Jay I mean who wouldn't he's gorgeous. I usually think nothing of them but I don't know sometimes I just get a little worried that's all.

"Ok I guess I have nothing to worry about, do you mind if I go?" I ask "No course not as long as you send me pictures of you in your bikini" he says smirking Ugh he's disgusting "Ugh your disgusting"

"What I was just asking for my girlfriend to send me pictures of her beautiful body whilst I can not be there to admire her in person" he says still smirking as if irritating me is amusing. "Oh just shut and get to class bells ringing" I state because the bell really did just ring.

"Yeah yeah whatever" he says and he grabs hold of my hand and walks us to our first class maths. I love maths mainly because I love our teacher Mrs Fenlher. "Morning ma'am" I say as I greet my favorite teacher as me and Jay walk through the door.

"Hello Riley"she says as we begin class. She greets the rest of the class and begins work.
I couldn't help but notice her sweater. It looked like the school boy socks and her scarf that in no way matched the shirt looked like she worked at a super market. Who wouldn't laugh.

"Ma'am I'm sorry but where did you get that sweater it's looks so odd. It like like school boy socks and that scarf it looks exactly like the supermarket shirts they wear" I say laughing. The whole class started laughing too

You see if this was any other teacher I probably would have detention by now but Mrs Fenlher has a sense of humor.

"Great now I can't wear this sweater or this scarf every again, thanks so much Riley now can we please focus on linear equations" she's states with a sigh and also a smile on her face. That's why I love this teacher she doesn't take things to heart or take our jokes seriously.

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