Chapter 15

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The devious smirk didn't seem to leave Ally's lips as she described her plan in full detail to me and Eric.

"Alright this is what were doing. First Caitlin will sneak into Connors cause well when he wakes up he won't be happy and wont be to mean to her. Next Cait..." Ally said not getting to finish because of Eric.

"Got that right. Connors gunna be pissed when he sees what we did to him". Eric said quickly interrupting Ally.

"As I was saying Caitlin you'll take some make up and a razor and you'll doll up his face and shave one eyebrow off."

Before she could get to the next sentence I squeaked out " He's gunna look ugly".

"Well you'll just have to teach him how to use eyeliner intill it grows back. Now no more interruptions. Make the make up as bad as you can make it. Then I'll come in and do some other things that you both can't know about you'll just have to see for your selves. Caitlin any questions?"

"Umm.. Well what if he wakes up"? I asked.

"That's easy just say you couldn't sleep and you decided his room was the best place to go to. He should fall asleep right after that but if he doesn't and he try's to comfort you place the stuff in the hoodie I'm about to give you".

"Ok easy enough".

"Eric you have Mike. I want you to "dye" his hair pink and yellow". She put qoutation marks around dye. I was wandering why intill she tossed him a pink then a yellow spray can of fake hair dye that stayed in your hair for a couple of days. "Then well you can do what ever you want to him except shave his head".

"What are you doing". I asked.

"Well I'm gunna finish off Connor and the rest you'll have to see after it's done".

Eric nodded his head basically saying alright cool let's go.

"Oh Caitlin by the way here's a fake eyebrow". Ally said tossing me something that resembled a caterpillar.

"What's this for"? I questioned.

"Use you imagination". Ally snapped.

I walked over to her and grabbed the black sweater she was hanging off of her finger. Then I walked to her bathroom and grabbed bright pink blush, eye liner, purple and yellow eye shadow and bright red lip stick from under her sink from a pile of make up she never used. Then I grabbed a razor from a box of them and walked back in to the room.

I stood there for a minute in till I realized Eric had already left and Ally was the only one in the room with me. She had an interesting look on her face in till she seen me and told me to get my butt moving. I slipped down the hall silently and stopped at Connors door. I giggled amlittle out side so that way I wouldn't wake him up by laughing hysterically. When I could control my self I pressed my ear up to the door to see if my giggling had woken him up. I didn't hear anything so I tried to open the door as quietly as I could. It sounded pretty quiet to me but I couldn't be sure because my heart was pounding in my ears.

I tip toed silently to his bed avoiding all the crap on his floor. Stupid teenage boy I thought in my head as I stepped over a pizza box. Disgusting teenage boy actually would better describe him. I thought to my self. When I made it to his bed with out making a loud sound. I slipped the razor out of my pocket and got to work on the closest eye brow. Thank god he slepted on the edge of his huge bed on his side other wise this job would have been pretty hard.

I put the razor gently on the farthest away part of his eyebrow and raked it across. A ton of hair came off falling to his floor and some fell on my feet. I repeated the process once more to be sure I got the whole eye brow. I slowly took out the fake eyebrow and placed it were his real one once was just in case he woke up. As I was putting the razor back in my pocket my elbow hit him in the nose. I quickly jammed the thing in my pocket and held my breath. I watched his eyes slowly open and cursed my self.

"What are you doing Cait". He mumbled groggily.

I put on my best I was scared voice be fore I said " I.I.I couldn't sleep I had a nightmare. I'll go I'd you want". I added with a few fake tears.

"No no no". He said sleep all out of his voice as he scooped me up in to his arms.

He gently laid me by his side and whispered silently in my ear. " Your a wonderful actor honey. But I saw the tip of the razor. So tell me the truth why your really here".

I groaned. Of course I'd be the one to get caught. I just screwed up Ally's prank.

"I'm waiting".

"Fine". I pouted. " I was gunna shave off one of your eyebrows". I pouted again like I hadn't gotten to.

"You were going to"? He said questioningly.

"I didn't get to finish". I said sadly.

"I don't believe you". He said and reached up to check his eyebrows. He touched the fake one first and brushed right over it. He gave his second eye brow closer inspection by pulling th hairs and feeling for tape.

"Wow you really bad at sneaking around. You didn't even get to do what you were here for". He said laughingly.

"Oh shut up". I said frustrated. I wanted him to go to sleep. All of a sudden his laughter stopped and a few seconds later soft breathing could be heard.

Wow. I thought who can fall asleep that fast? I rolled over to the other side of the bed and silently got off the bed and again had to walk over the trash that littered his floor. I waited a few moments before I started to grab the make from my pocket. I grabbed the lipstick out first and sloppily put it on his lips. I hid it under his bed then I waited a few seconds before grabbing a big circle thing. Apon further investigation I found out it was the blush. I drew big circles with my fingers on his cheeks. I put that under the bed too then grabbed a stick thing and instantly realized it was the eye liner. I wrote on his forehead as best as I could in the dark loser. Then you can guess were it went. Under the bed. I grabbed the eye shadow out next. I put the purple on one eye lid then the yellow on the other. I put the cases under the bed too. As I was getting up I realized the fake eyebrow needed to come off. I bent over his face and prayed that it wasn't that stuck to his face. I grabbed one end and quickly tearing off the eye brow and stuffed it in my pocket. As I was leaving the room the soft breathing stopped and my heart raced in my chest.

Authors Note

Sorry it took so long to update but I was kinda lazy and didn't want to write last week soo I didn't and yesterday was Halloween and I was out late so I kinda couldn't find any time to upload. Favomment plz

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