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Today was the big day. I was incredibly nervous and my palms seemed to be sweating more than ever as Raini zipped me into my dress.

"I can't believe this is actually happening." I said to her as she straightened out the bottom of my white dress.

"I know, I can't believe Rydel is getting married. I mean I knew her and Ellington would be together forever, but it's still a shock that they are actually getting married." Raini sighed as she stepped away from me so I could look at my dress.

"I'm surprised she asked me to be the maid of honor." I said as I spun around admiring the knee length white dress Rydel had picked for me.

"I'm not," Raini chuckled, "especially since Ellington asked Ross to be his best man."

"Look Raini, I love you, but you have to let this whole Ross and me thing go. We've been broken up for almost a year, and I'm over him, and I'm sure he's over me. I mean he probably even brought a date tonight." I said rolling my eyes, although deep down, I hoped he didn't bring a date because I sure didn't.

"Okay, but I mean come on you and Ross haven't seen each other since you broke up, so maybe some old feelings will come back. That's all I'm saying." Raini said raising her hands up in defense before adjusting her dress.

"Whatever Raini." I rolled my eyes before opening my makeup bag.

But what if she's right? What if I do still have feelings for Ross deep down, and seeing him could bring those feelings back? Our break up was messy and I didn't want to have to bring those feelings back after what happened.

"Ross?" Laura called out as she heard the door slam shut and footsteps walking towards the living room.

After they both graduated college, Ross and Laura decided to buy an apartment in the city of Manhattan because they've both always fantasized about living there.

"Do we have anything to drink?" Ross slurred out as he stumbled into the kitchen directly across from the living room.

"Where the hell have you been? It's almost 3am I was worrying my ass off about you." Laura said angrily as she stormed into the kitchen after him.

"I didn't ask you to fucking wait Laur, now do we have anything to drink or not?" He questioned angrily as he pushed past her, opening up the fridge.

"You've already been drinking Ross, and no we don't have anything to drink here." She sighed feeling annoyed with his behavior.

It's been like this for almost a month. Laura works her at a publishing company and comes home every night to see Ross isn't there. He says he's out at the music studio, but he usually comes home around this time of night every night, not to mention he's drunk off his ass every night. At first Laura was worried about him, but now she's just tired of it happening so much.

"I just want a god damn beer, but apparently this is the alcohol free zone I guess." He said angrily before sitting down in one of the dining chairs.

"Ross I honestly can't handle this shit coming from you anymore." Laura sighed again, not having enough energy to yell at him

"Then leave." He shrugged pulling his phone out of his pocket and proceeding to text someone.

"Are you fucking serious right now?! I'm not leaving this god damn apartment! I'm the only person here who actually seems to give a shit about our lives while you're out partying every fucking night! I'm not leaving this apartment, but I think you should." She practically screamed at him, as tears began to stream down her face.

I need you: a raura sequelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora