six ;

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Dahlia silenced her alarm quickly, groaning into the darkness of her bedroom. Even though she frequently worked the morning shift, she never really was a morning person. She rolled out of bed quickly, clicking on her light. She grabbed her doorknob, but hesitated. It was then that she remembered Michael was in her living room fast asleep.

She opened the door slowly, peering out into the dim room. Light from the moon that still hung in the sky shone through the windows and onto Michael's face. He was peaceful in his slumber, his lips slightly parted as he snored softly. His black hair stuck out at odd angles across the stark whiteness of the pillow.

Dahlia smiled to herself before moving to the bathroom. She didn't need to waste anymore time. She took a quick shower, brushing her teeth in the process. She wrung most of the water out of her hair before twisting it up into a bun on the top of her head.

She would usually blow it dry, but she didn't want to wake Michael up. She dressed quickly, pulling on a navy blue V-neck and a pair of light wash denim Capri's. She'd wear shorts, but Charlotte and Don strictly prohibited them, even if she had worked for them for a while.

Dahlia looked at the time, showing she had to leave soon if she wanted to make it to the diner on time. She slipped out of her bedroom again, grabbing an apple to eat on the way. She glanced to Michael again. He hadn't moved from where he was sprawled out on the sofa. She found herself smiling again. She rummaged through one of her drawers before pulling out a note pad and a pen.

Dahlia quickly scribbled down a note for Michael, telling him that she worked until two and left her cellphone number in case he needed to reach her. With one last look at the sleeping boy, Dahlia grabbed her purse and headed out of her apartment.

As she stepped outside, the sky was starting to lighten, the dark navy lightening to a light blue. It wasn't often that she was scheduled to work at six in the morning, usually she came in at eight, but she didn't mind a few extra hours. Dahlia hiked her bag higher, taking a bite of her apple as she neared the diner.

Once there, she stashed her bag beneath the counter and grabbed her apron in the back after saying hello to Don. She tied on her apron and made her way back out to the front. "Morning, Charlotte," Dahlia greeted, slipping behind the counter.

"Morning, Dahlia," Charlotte returned. "You awake yet?" She asked, grabbing Dahlia's shoulder and shaking it lightly. Dahlia laughed but nodded. "Good, you're working counter today. You did a great job waiting yesterday, thought I'd give yah a bit of a break."

"Thanks, Charlotte," Dahlia grinned.

It wasn't often that she got to work behind the counter. She was usually out waiting tables and delivering food and cleaning up after customers. It was a nice change of pace. Charlotte nodded and grabbed a receipt book before taking to the tables. Dahlia grabbed the newly brewed pot of coffee before heading to her lineup of customers.


Three hours had passed before Dahlia got a breather. She hadn't heard anything from Michael (she had checked her phone beneath the counter while Charlotte was in the bathroom.) They had another busy morning; customers coming and going while the city came alive with the rise of the sun.

Dahlia started a new pot of coffee and leaned against the counter. Her feet were starting to hurt, but she still had a couple hours ahead of her. The bell sounded with the door, announcing the arrival of a new customer. Dahlia glanced to the door, hoping it was Michael, but instead found it was Ashton.

She felt her breathing shallow out. She hadn't talked to him since she dragged Michael away. She ignored his call last night. Dahlia knew he had to be angry or else he wouldn't have shown up here.

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