Ep. 2 - Not the Only One

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When I get onto the volleyball court I ask if I could serve it they say yes so I grab the ball and throw it up in the air then let my hand become hard and then lightly hit the ball onto the other side of the court. Ive learned that with these abilities you have to pull back a lot on how much you hit things. It goes over nicely and then it's hit back to us and my guy partner sets it to me signaling for me to make the score.

I walk a step and hit the ball over the net but the other team slams it back meaning for it to be a spike but I get to it and hit it to my partner and he spikes it over and we get a score.

I listen to my little fan club while I give my partner a high five. "So what are you going to do man? A girls never turned you down." His friend says.

"I dont know. But i know that im gonna get her to be into me."

I smile and get back to the game. I serve it again and it goes over....of course. But the girl on the other side spikes it right by the net and me and my partner arent anywere close to there. I deside that im here to have fun for at least an hour so I take the risk. Plus I wanna show off alittle for my little girl fan club. I dive for it and end up catching it before it touches the ground. I hit it to my partner and he hits it back to me while I get up from the ground I hit it over the net getting our 2nd point.

This though makes me fall to the ground again. My partner comes to me and tries to help me up when I see the volleyball come flying by his head. I get up as fast as i could without causing to much suspition and grab the ball in mid air. But it causes me to fall on top of my partner and the ball falls by the both of us.

I look into my partners eyes for a second and say "you look comfortable." He smiles and says "so do you" and he winks I smile at him and grab the ball from by us the hole time keeping the eye contact. Then when I look at the girl on the other team her and her partner are laughing at us.

They were trying to hit him in the head with the ball then when she sees that i caught the ball I smile at her and do alittle wave. She glares at me and I spike the ball way to close to her feet. I wasnt going to cause any harm i said it almost hit her foot it was pretty close though.

We win the game and when the game ends I dont say bye to anyone I just walk away and start to walk down the beach again. When I look back I see everyone saying good job to my partner for winning the game. I turn back around and I deside to listen in to what my partner was saying.

"Hey Nate can I have your partners name for the score board? The game doesnt count unless we have both of your names." I hear the score keeper ask Nate. Nate...hm probably short for Nathaniel.

"Sure its Vanessa." He says calmly.

I stop walking right when he said my name. I didnt say my name to him at any point when I was with him I havent told anyone in California my name........I am a vampire. But maybe im not the only one.....

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