Chapter 1

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Mia's POV.
People suck.

I think everyone can agree on that.

This is what I was thinking when I got shoved down by the oh-so-cool Jenna Homan in the school cafe. She had tripped me when I was carrying my lunch tray. Typical move.

I scrambled to my feet and looked around. Everyone was staring at me, but I didn't care. I was use to it. My best friend, Cameron, ran over to my rescue. She, unlike me, was actually treated like an equal in this school. Don't ask me how. I really don't know why I don't either because she's just like me. A gamer, laid back, straight A student, and a writer.

She looked at me with her big brown eyes. "Come on, let's get you cleaned up." She took me by the arm and led me to the bathroom. Before she could pull me too far, I looked back and saw that Jenna was giving me her world famous smirk.

In the bathroom, I sat on the sink while Cameron grabbed some paper towels from the dispenser. She rushed over to the sink next to me, and soaked the brown, rough paper towel in the lukewarm water. "I can't believe they keep doing this to you," she said. She wiped some of the food off my shirt and face.

I shrugged. "It's fine. They think it affects me and it doesn't really." I thought back to the first time they had did it.

It was last year, in 8th grade. I was best friends with Jenna. Hard to believe, right? Well, moving on, we were sitting at her table. It was an excellent day. All the girls were talking about the upcoming dance and who they wanted to take. It was great. I was talking to Jenna about how I wanted to take Lucas Smith, my crush.

"You need to just ask him already," she had said. Her eyes shifted off of me and to a table beside us. I didn't have to look to know who she was looking at. It was Lucas.

"No way," I had said. "I'm pretty sure he's going to ask Mackenzie. They're practically dating." I looked down at my tray. Jenna was quiet for a while but then she spoke.

"That is why you need to wow him. Like right now, before they get serious." She grabbed my hand, and looked at me. She nodded her head slightly, telling me that I should go do it.

I was about to get up when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I spun around to find Wes Brought. Also know as, Jenna's crush. It couldn't be good. He was flashing me his sparkling smile. I glanced over at Jenna to see she was looking between me and him.

"Hey," said Wes. "Hey." "I was wondering, would you like to go to the dance with me this Friday?" He didn't even look over at Jenna, but I sure did. She looked like she was going to blow her top off. She glared at me so hard, that I would have been dead if looks could kill.

I did the correct thing and said, "Um, listen Wes. You're nice and all, but I had my eye on someone else. I'm sorry." I gave him a sad look.

"Oh. That's cool. Let me know if you change your mind." He smiled again, and walked back over to his table, Lucas's table.

I turned the right way on my chair and looked at the girls. They were all staring at me like I just killed someone. I was really scared to look at Jenna, but I did anyways. She looked pissed.

"Leave," she said. "And don't come back." My mouth fell open. The world was spinning. What was going on?

"What?" I exclaim. "How is this my fault? It's not like I told him to ask me to the dance!" Now I was the one pissed. She needs to get it through her head that I had no part in this. I'm just as surprised as she is.

She looked down at her tray. "Leave," she repeated. She sat there quietly while I stared at her, baffled. I slowly gathered my things and grabbed my tray. I stood up and pushed my blue chair into the round table.

Just as I was leaving, a foot shot out and I fell face first into my lunch tray. I looked sideways. It was Jenna's foot. This was her revenge for Wes asking me out to the dance. Humiliation. To be honest, it did the trick. I glanced over at Lucas's table and he staring at me. He wasn't laughing like the other kids. He was just, staring. Like he didn't know what to do. I was so embarrassed. I didn't want to go back to school the next day. But I thought better of it. I didn't want to tell my mom that Jenna was a complete bitch today. She knew Jenna and I as the best of friends. The "sisters" with the unbreakable bond. I didn't want her to know that she hated me now.

"Mia?" Cameron said. "Hello? Are you with me?" She crossed her arms over her body. I snapped back to reality.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm here, sorry. What did you say?"

"I said, I don't believe you. I know you, and you have a high temper. I'm surprised you haven't said anything yet." She grabbed me by my shoulders. "You need to stand up for yourself, Mia."

I nodded. But we both know I'd never do such a thing. Especially to Jenna.

I walked into my Victorian house and shut the door. My mom was waiting for me there, a cup of tea in her hand. She had a big smile on her face. I haven't seen it this big since before dad left us.

"Hey mom." I walked over and hugged her. She returned the hug, but with just one arm. "What's got you in such a good mood?"

She seemed really giddy. "Well, do you know how I said that you need to make other friends than besides that Cameron?"

"Yeah," I say slowly. I have a bad feeling about this.

"Well, I have the perfect opportunity. You were invited to a party!" She was practically jumping up and down.

I put a confused look on my face. Who would be invited me to a party? Cam wouldn't. She's not into that kind of stuff. Unless it's a gaming party, which is unlikely.

"Do you know how I've been seeing someone?" She asked. She took a sip of her tea and set it down on the wooden table behind her.

"The man who you won't tell me about? Yeah." Now I was really skeptical.

"Yeah. Anyways, his daughter invited you. Apparently she goes to your school as well." She grinned again. I loved seeing her this happy.

"Can I have the name?" I ask, eyes narrowing.

"My bad. Her name is Jenna."

A/N: (Maddie) So, I hope this chapter wasn't bad. As you may know, this is a collab account. I will be writing as Mia. And my friend Jordan will be writing as Jenna. I hope you enjoy this story as we enjoy writing this for you. Thanks <3 :))))

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