Season 1 Ep. 1

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Gertrude: My name is Gertrude, I have 240 followers on Twitter and one time, Louis favourited my tweet and I got like 500 notifications and I wanted to jump off a cliff.

Gertrude Sits On Bed: Why did this only get 5 favourites on twitter?

Interviewing Gertrude: So basically, 1D released a new album which made me wanna punch myself in the face.

Gertrude Spits Hair Out Of Mouth

Interviewing Gertrude: So, I invited my friend over, Patricia, to listen to the whole album with me.

Patricia Knockes On Door

Gertrude On Bed: Oh My God! Patricia!

Interviewing Patricia: My name is Patricia, I have 800 followers on Twitter, and I literally have all your faves follows. Even Donald Trump.

Gertrude Opens Door: Hey!

Patricia Rolls Eyes And Comes In

Gertrude Is Surprised And Offended

Interviewing Gertrude: Why did Patricia just give me that look? Honestly, I think she's up to something and I'm gonna get to the bottom of this.

Gertrude Closes Door: Umm... Is there something wrong?

Patricia: No, not at all.

Interviewing Gertrude: I KNOW she's hiding something.

Interviewing Patricia: Ha! I'm hiding something.

Gertrude Gets Mad: Ok, seriously, you're being so fake. Like you need to tell me tell me what's wrong right now!

Patricia: You really wanna know what's bothering me? It's just that...

Gertrude Looks Suspicious:

Patricia: I think Purpose is better...

Interviewing Gertrude: Oh, HELL NOOO!

Gertrude: You did not just say that...

Interviewing Patricia: (Purpose Is Better)

Patricia: Ok, don't be mad because Maiden Anne is a flop. And I have more followers than you on Twitter.

Gertrude: Oh, really b*tch? You're the one that's a flop because 1) I have a Louis notice and 2) you're trying to look like f*cking Ariana Grande with that big ass ponytail.

Interviewing Patricia: Oh, HELL NOOO!

Patricia: You know what?

Gertrude: Yeah b*itch I went there. Focus on me...

Patricia: I'm unfollowing you...

Twaimz comes in: Um... What are you guys fighting about?

Patricia: Ha, um... Who are you? Flop...

Interviewing Twaimz: Oh, HELL NOOO!

Gertrude: Wait, is this the llama guy?

Patricia: You literally made a song about llamas...

Gertrude: You're literally youtube chat...

Patricia: Ugly ass pickle...

Twaimz: If you know how I feel, why would you say that? Like you put me in such an uncomfortable situation... Like, you know I'm not happy.

Gertrude & Patricia: Whatever

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