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I wake up and see Elijah sleeping. I get up, and right when I move just a little, Elijah woke up.

Kaitlyn - Sorry, didn't mean to wake you.

Elijah - It's alright.

He gets up and I go to the living room and see Rebekah there sitting -- talking to someone.

I then go change into some shorts, with a black sweater and greyish blueish vans. I do my hair and I had a text from Elena.

Elena - How are you feeling?

Kaitlyn - Good I guess.

I head to my desk and I draw for a bit and I drew a tree with flowers falling and a family standing there and two kids having fun. It took for a couple of hours.

I stayed in my room for a few hours and Niklaus come in with a knock.

Kaitlyn - Come in.

Niklaus comes in, grabs a chair and sits next to me. While I dar the people standing. And the ocean just in the background.

And a few birds flying by. Niklaus looks at me and grabs my pencil and puts it down.

Kaitlyn - Uh-- What -

Niklaus - I'm sorry.

Kaitlyn - Sorry for what?

Niklaus - For bringing you with me everywhere -- Little wolf -

Kaitlyn - That little wolf had a name.

Niklaus - Hayley doesn't want to talk to me because of what I do to you.

Kaitlyn - It's ok -- Niklaus I understand that you love torturing people but just, please don't do anything to me.

Niklaus - Deal.

Kaitlyn - Deal?! What deal?

Niklaus - If I hurt or harm you in anyway you get to hurt me --

Kaitlyn - How about fool?

Niklaus - No.

Kaitlyn - Oh come on, pllleeeaaasseeee.

Niklaus - Fine.

Kaitlyn - Deal.

Niklaus - Deal.

Kaitlyn - Shake on it Buddy.

Niklaus shakes my hand and he looks at the drawing. And I grab my pencil and finish drawing a girl and man.

Niklaus - I see you love drawing.

Kaitlyn - Yeah.

Niklaus - You know I love to paint.

Kaitlyn - Lucky. . . I wish I knew how to paint.

I mumble.

Niklaus - Huh?

Kaitlyn - Nothing.

Niklaus - Who are those people standing there?

Kaitlyn - A girl and a boy. . . With two kids by the ocean and they have a family there.

Niklaus - I'm guessing that would be you--

Kaitlyn - No. . .

Niklaus - I see the way you look at a guy.

Kaitlyn - Oh, please, Niklaus I don't love anybody, nor like.

Niklaus - Ok, then, what about Damon?

Kaitlyn - . . . What?

Niklaus - Well you obviously have feeling for a Salvatore.

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