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Ross's POV .
"You look beautiful today ." "I'm wearing skinny jeans and a sweatshirt." "You still look beautiful." I peck her lips. She rolls her eyes. "You're a dork." "But I'm your dork." "Guess you're right." We walk in. Office time. "Adam, Jin , Ty, and I are filming a Donut laugh." "I love donuts." "Wanta join?" "Yep! You know we have to tell everyone we're engaged? I can't take my ring off to film forever." "That'll be the last video we film today promise." "Yay!"
Time skip
Your POV.
I was dancing around my office bored. Someone grabbed my waist. This is not Ross. This grip is wayyyy to tight. "Hey Gorgeous. You still look perfect in skinny jeans." "Get out of my office. Sugg." "Hey no need to be fiesty." "Go away." He forcefully turned me to face him. "Now Gorgeous what's that?" I looks at my hand. "My engagement ring from my perfect fiancé. You know Ross." "Drop him. Take me back." "F*** off." "Now now Gorgeous." He leans to kiss me. I jerk my head away. "Get out!" He pushes me against a wall. "Just one kiss?" "No!" He tries to kiss me again. "Ross! Max! Adam! Jin!" Joesph tries to kiss me again. "Felix!" I hear five sets of feet running to my office. "Get off me Sugg!" Joesph laughs. He's forcefully ripped off me. I run to Ross, crying. He holds me. Jin is calling the police. Joesph apparently picked the lock to get in the building. Ross carries me to my chair. We sit there. My tears soaking his shirt. He rubs my back. "Shh. (Y/n) it's okay. Calm down honey. It's okay. He can hurt you anymore. I'm here." Jin walks over to me with one of the two police officers. The other has Joesph.  I turn on Ross' lap to face them. "Miss.  Can you tell me what happened?" I nod," I was dancing and someone forcefully grabbed my waist. I knew it wasn't my fiancé here, Ross because he's a gentle person. He started calling me gorgeous and trying to kiss me. When I moved he pushed me against a wall. I called these five and they pulled him off of me and called you." "Miss. He's gonna have to go to trial we would like you six there." "Okay." "You should all go get some rest. We'll leave you all alone." They left. "I have to say I like the look of Joe in a cop car." "I know." "Ross?" "Yes?" "Can we go see Ty?" He nods and picks me up. He carries me to the car and puts me in the passenger seat. He gets in the drivers seat and starts the car. "We should Skype the people who don't know. We could have the wedding at the lake house 5sos bought me while I was on tour with them." "We should." We go in and up to Ty's Room. "Hey b***h!" "Hi h*e! I brought Ross." "Fun!" "We have to go to a trial in two days." His eyes widen. "Why?" "Joe thought it was okay to brake into the offices and trying to force me to date him." "Jesus. I'm soo sorry!" "It's okay. It's not your fault." "Hug!" I walk over and he hugs me. I want to cry but no. I'm strong. Or at least will be. He isn't worth any more tears. "Ty you can leave next week. Or at least that's what the doctor told me yesterday." "Yay!"
Time skip a few months later- October 1st
"Hey Ross I'll be right back." I walk in Adam's office. He's twerking to Dancing with The Devil by Cash Cash. I back out of the office, covering my eyes. I walk to Ross. "Honey? You okay? Your eyes are huge!" "Your's would be to if you walked in to Adam's office to see him twerking." "Wow", three voices say. Ty walks in with Kat on his arm. "Bar night?" I nod. "Ready Katlox?" They nod and we walk to my car. Did I tell you they started dating after Ty got out of the hospital? Also Ross and I bought a house. "You two want to stay at our place?" Kat gave Ty pleading eyes. "Sure." "Yay!" "After the bar we'll go get your stuff." "Okay."
Time skip.
None of us have drank anything. Well Ty had a beer. So I guess we did. Two guys walked twords us. Ty pulled Kat on his lap. Ross did the same to me.
Ty's POV
This guy won't leave (Y/n) alone. She's full on making out with Ross and the guy still is trying to talk to her. Idiot. She's now giving Ross a hickey. She's also flipping the guy off. He finally leaves and the couple stops. "You're gonna have fun explaining that to Jin." Her and Ross look at each other. Lightning in a bottle comes on. "Ross I want to dance!" "Let's go!"  Kat sighs," They're so cute. I mean when they aren't making out." "Truth!" After the song we left.
Time skip
Your POV
"Hey guys." From the corner of my eye I look at Ross' neck. Crud it's already bruising. I can tell Jin sees it. Well I'm in for it. "(Y/n) can I talk to you alone?" I follow him to Adam's hallway. "Yes bro who loves me a lot and would never ever get mad at me?" He rolls his eyes. "Why does Ross have a forming hickey?" "Uhhhhhhh. You see this guy at the bar wouldn't leave me alone. And me and Ross making out wouldn't make him leave so I gave him a hickey while while flipping the guy off and the guy left." "Why didn't you just leave?" "And have him follow me and Kat to the car?" "Ehh."

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