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Wow this is bad I did it in one english lesson and one night so a few hours with no editing or anything so I'm sorry if this is bad.


Nico limped towards the Camp Half Blood his ankle throbbing with pain, earlier that day he had been chased by a group of angry harpies - monsters with bodies like a birds and the head of woman. After defeating all but one the last had chased him up Thalia's tree - a tall pine tree that was grown at the top of Half Blood Hill after the death of a demigod named Thalia Grace - before the harpy flew towards Nico, talons outstretched to kill. In a wave of panic Nico had done probably the very thing he shouldn't have done. He let go.

Nico tumbled to the ground and landed hard on his left ankle causing him to cry out as pain shot through his body. The harpy shrieked loudly obviously pleased with her work and flew of into the sky leaving Nico sprawled on the grass, his long black hair falling over his dark brown eyes and his aviator jacket falling of his shoulder.

Nico continued to limp Half Blood Hill towards the Greek camp, pain flaring up his leg with every other step.

A figure with blond messy hair seemed to notice Nico and started to sprint towards him. Will, the counselor for the Apollo cabin, reached Nico and bent bent over panting, his faded 'SURF BARBADOS' t-shirt ruffling in the warm sea breeze.

"Sit down," the healer instructed, straightening up, his pale blue eyes commanding yet sort like his voice. Nico happily obliged to the blond's words, thankful to take the weight of his ankle. Will knelt beside him and pulled a square of ambrosia out of his pocket before breaking of a small piece and handing it to Nico who instantly wolfed down the piece causing warmth to spread throughout his body, lessening the pain in his ankle. Will pulled out a flask of unicorn draught - powdered horn mixed sanctified water from the Little Tiber, a drink that works better on Nico than nectar - out of his bag and handed it to Nico who happily took a swig from the flask, "What happened?"

Nico only had to say one word for Will to understand. "Harpies," Nico replied swallowing more unicorn draught. Will nodded in understanding and looked at Nico's ankle. He pulled Nico's black jeans up a little to show his ankle causing the raven haired boy to wince. Will looked up at Nico apologetically before placing a hand on his ankle and applied a slight pressure once again making Nico wince. Will removed his hand before running it through his golden hair.

"Thankfully is just a small sprain so the ambrosia should do it's job quickly, but I'd advise you put as little weight on it as possible for the rest of the day and don't go around fighting harpies or summoning the dead for a bit to be sure." Will declared, pulling the son of Hades up and wrapping his arm around his neck. "Let's get you back to the camp to rest."Nico nodded and hobbled back towards Camp Half Blood and to Hades' cabin.

The cabin stood in front of them it's solid obsidian walls and Greek fire torches making the building look intimidating. The inside wasn't much different as the inside was designed to look like the palace built in the Underworld. Will rested Nico on his bed and sat down next to him.

"Just remember what I said about keeping weight off of your ankle and no fighting until you're fully healed."

"Yes, sir, no bird-ladies and no walking near Clarisse," Nico clarified jokingly, a faint smile on his face as Will stood up to head to the door.

Will laughed, stopping in his tracks, "That would be advisable. Also if it starts hurting again come see me, or if you just want to see me." Will said a smirk appearing on his slightly tanned skin before walking out the door leaving Nico alone, his flip flops making clacking sound against the ground as he walked towards his own cabin. Nico instantly began smiling suddenly thankful for the harpy who chased him up Thalia's tree because now he had a reason to stay at the camp and a reason to go visit a certain blond in the morning. Nico laid down in bed not caring about the fact he was still wearing his aviator jacket, jeans, shirt and shoes or the fact that he would miss the camp dinner and fell into a nightmare less sleep.

Solangelo oneshotDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora