Ch. 9

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                                        A/N: hiiiee ya i know its been like 6 months since my last post and im so sorry i thought for sure i wasnt gonna write any more chapters but i just love this story too much i really wanna continue it and also thank you guys so much for 2.5k thats really awesome! more chapters soon i promise! <3 -sophie                     

   Unmarked Ch.9

I laid next to Niall on the warm rocks that sat on the edge of the pool of water. The sun beat down, drying my body and the clothes laid out beside me. I kept my eyes closed and listened to everything. The constant flooding rush of water sweeping off the multiple cliffs above us. The trees swayed steadily with the light breeze and the air was fresh and clean. It felt like a perfect paradise. I opened my eyes and looked up at the sky, noticing shapes in the clouds. It was times like these when you start noticing the smallest things about the world. And then there was Niall. I looked over, he had his eyes closed like mine were, breathing steadily. He looked as peaceful as anyone could. He was seemingly perfect in the 24 hours I had met him. Which I guess seems silly. I didn’t care.

His eyes fluttered open to meet mine. “We should get you home, its almost dark.” I was so reluctant to leave, I wanted so badly to stay there with him longer, but I knew I couldn’t. Mell and Liam would be too worried. I nodded in agreement and we gathered our things and headed back on the trail to the car.

Niall walked in front of me like he had before, trying to re trace his steps. He pushed branches and leaves out of his way and would every now and then stop to think about where he was going next. Not wanting to distract him in hear that he might get us lost, I stayed quiet. But I couldn’t help but at least tell him, “Thank you, for taking me here today. I loved it.” he turned around,

“Of course,” he continued walking, “You know you're the first person I've ever showed that place to.”


“I don’t know, I guess I was just waiting for the right person.” He turned and smiled at me, I remembered that we had kissed like an hour ago, and I wanted to kiss him again, like a lot.

“Are you sure we're gonna make it back in time my brothers kinda-” Niall stopped dead in his tracks. I looked up and in the distance I could see a small deer laying down maybe 20 yards away from us. It laid its head down on its small legs and rested. I couldn't see Nialls face, but I could see his breathing had become heavier the way his back rose and fell. “You okay?” he didn't respond, maybe he was trying not to wake it. “Niall...c'mon,” I tried going in front of him to see what was wrong but his back blocked me. Suddenly it was like he snapped out of something, he grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the way of the deer quickly. “Niall seriously whats going on.” I grabbed his shoulder and turned him around to face me. He seemed completely normal. I gave him the “what the hell was that?” look.

“I just.. didn’t wanna disturb it that's all,” my facial expression stayed questionable. “come on, car's this way.”

We didn't say much on the car ride home. I guess there wasn’t much to talk about. It felt like hours before we finally pulled up to my house. I knew I was late. I thanked Niall and was about to open the door when he stopped me. He looked at me before leaning his head in slowly towards mine. He kissed me lightly on the lips, pulling away and biting his lower lip. “G'night Lucy,”

“Night.” I smiled back at him and exited the car.

I watched him drive away, standing there and smiling like an idiot thinking about the perfect day I just had with the perfect guy.  

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