Chapter three the first problem

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The weird tingly feeling felt like it overcame us and turned us into taller and stronger human beings.

"I don't know about you guys but I'm bored of this place and I'm leaving" I said and in a fraction of a second I was in my house sitting on my couch watching TV.

Next thing I know Adrian pops up in front of me and scares the living daylight out of me

"SURPRISE! did I scare you?" Adrian asked

"Oh you only scared the life out of me, and how did you just appear in front of me in my house?" I responded

"I don't know I just- and all of a sudden the ceiling comes crashing down on us and carlos is in the middle of all the rubble

"Carlos what did you do to my ceiling, that was my ceiling and now its in pieces on the floor!" I yelled angrily

"Sorry man but you can get that fixed you know that right and it will only cost like a couple thousand dollars, you do have a couple thousand laying around right?

"ok I don't want to be here when your mom comes home from the super market" Carlos planed

"No Carlos I don't have a couple thousand dollars laying around and I don't think I ever have that amount of money!" I yelled but I was to mad to notice the talking water bottle sitting on the coffee table

"I don't want to get in the middle of this but I think we have a problem" said Haley

"Did you guys hear the water bottle talk like Haley? because I think I did" I asked

"Yeah its me Haley I'm  the water bottle" the water bottle started to transform from the water bottle into Haley

"Ok that was weird but ok what's the problem?" I asked

"That" Haley sais pointing at what appears to be a giant monster of some sort.

oh and by the way a giant monster walking around your neighborhood is not a good thing

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Nov 27, 2016 ⏰

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