Chapter 3

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Melody's POV
I wake up from an amazing nap, almost like I had been sleeping for months. And I stretch my limbs and then just let them fall. I hear foot steps in the hallway and I call out. "Oi! Kid come here" the door flys open and she walks in and puts her hand on her hip. "I was summoned?" She says with a "wtf" look on her face. "Chill on the sass would you? What time is it?" I say leaning up slightly and rubbing my face. "You called me in here to do your bidding on the time when your phone is literally half a foot away from your hand?" Just then I look over and see that she's right, but hey what can I say I'm lazy. "Yes, I did. BUT WAIT THERES MORE!" I say in an announcer voice. She just rolls her eyes and waits. "What do you want for dinner.  I'm. Starving. So you must be hungry too right?" She ponders for a second before answering. "I could eat" she then proceeds to jump on me and reach for my phone. "What. The. Fuck. Are you doing?" I say in short breaths because she's crushing me, and I just might die. "You said you wanted the time so if your too lazy to look I'll look but I will also crush you with my love and affection at the same time. You're welcome." I just roll my eyes and shove her off me and she giggles. "It's 8:53 by the way jerk" she says as she hands me my phone and I slip it into my pants pocket. "Alright so dinner??" I say getting up and running my hand through my hair. "Uhhhhhmmmm I'm kinda feeling some tacos but like, spaghetti been running miles in my mind" God why is she so weird. Swear I have the weirdest little human being as a sister. "Okay icarly you got it. Spaghetti tacos it is" she makes a face and then looks as if she's actually thinking about it. "I can dig it. Need some help?" I walk over to her and just start tickling her for no reason. After she calls for mercy and me being a savage and not stop my evil doings and continue for a bit longer. I stop and walk out. "Okay but do you need help you big jerk!!!!" She says after she's calmed down and no longer of dying of laughter. I just leave it at that and go to make dinner. About half way through I feel my pocket vibrate indicating I have a call. I take it out and answer it. "Yeah?" Amelia comes down and has a look of confusion on her face. I mouth the words "mum"as I put the phone on speaker so she can hear too. "Hey sweets, we are just calling to check up on Amelia" wow okay what am I chopped liver? "She's fine mom, we had a good day today. Here talk to her" I give the phone to my sister and then continue cooking as she talks to our parents. As you can tell I don't really have a good relationship with them. Yeah they're my parents and my blood but ..... Blood don't make you family. I finish making the food when she comes back and hands me the phone. Ugh. "Oi..." "So Amelia is gonna have to stay a bit longer because we are going  to visit some family overseas, we'll send you some money and we also got her some concert tickets to see her favorite singer..... Who was it again Denise??" I roll my eyes at that. Are you serious? You bought the tickets it has her name in the tickets. "You mean Demi..?" "Yeah her thanks again Melody" and with that she hangs up. Not that I mind having my sister around is just a little heads up would have been amazing. I make our plates and tell my little nuggets to come eat. "What did they want when I gave you back the phone?" She says stuffing her face with food. "That your staying a little bit longer because they're visiting family and that they got you tickets to see Demi as a stipulation" she stopped dead in the middle of taking a bite and stared at me. "What......." I say to her because she's being weird. "So I'm just supposed to fuck off school because they want to take a last minute vacation? She says a bit angry. I'm more shocked that she caught on than about her cussing. "First off, please watch your mouth. You're 10, second I guess so yeah, that's just how they are. Aren't you excited though you get to see Demi again??" I say trying to lighten the mood. She just shakes her head. "This is why I like hanging out with you, you actually care and think about my well being" I just look at her completely flabbergasted. "Hey, you are welcome here anytime okay? I love you punk. Don't worry about them, I will come to your rescue whenever you call okay? Come here kid." She comes over to me and hugs me. I can tell she's trying to fight back tear so I just squeeze her tighter. After she calms down a bit I let go. "You wanna just watch a movie or something?" I ask trying to make her feel better. She shakes her head and goes back to her seat at the table. "Not a chance these tacos are giving me life right now" I smile a genuine smile at her. I'm so proud of her. We have both been through a lot with our parents. At times, for me mostly it seems like they don't really care about me and that's fine. I'm a tough chick I can handle myself, but my sister? She's just a kid and she needs that support and they just don't do their job as parents when it comes to showing her they care. She sees that now and it breaks my heart. She a kid that can't be bought, and I'm proud of her for that. We eat and try to forget what just transpired. After we both clean up and watch a movie. Tarzan, she loves that movie. Halfway through she falls asleep so I turn off the movie and carry her sleeping body upstairs and lay her down on my bed. As I got to leave I hear her mumble a sleepy "I love you" I grin the widest grin and say "likewise punk" I step out and close the door and crash on the couch. To other people I'm this rude bitch who says and does what she wants, but when it comes to my little sister, she is my world. My pride and glory, and I would do anything for her to make sure a big ass smile is plastered on her little face.

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