We Won't Get Caught

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It's about six in the morning. Everyone in Stark tower is fast asleep, except for one black haired trickster.

Loki walks out of his room and into the hallway. He cheeks to see if anyone is there, before walking across the hallway to Thor's room. Loki opens Thor's door and walks in, shutting the door behind him. He walks over to the side of Thor's bed.

"Thor." Loki says trying to keep his voice low. "Thor, wake up."

Thor doesn't do anything but snore.

"Wake up you big oaf!" Loki says still trying to be quiet.

Again Thor does nothing. Loki rolls his eyes and climbs up on Thor's bed.

"Wake up!" Loki says as he starts jumping up and down. Thor's eyed shoot open.

"Wha-" Loki quickly cups his hands over Thor's mouth.

"Shhh!" Loki says.

By now Thor has realized that it was in fact Loki who woke him up. His wide eyed expression is quickly replaced and an angry one. Thor grabs Loki's hand and shoves Loki off of him.

"I'm going to kill you Loki!" Thor says.

"Shh!" Loki says. Thor glares, Loki raises his hands in surrender. "Now don't do anything drastic brother."

"I ought to pound your head in." Thor says. "Why did you wake my up?"

"I want you to pull a prank with me."

"What sort of prank?"

"A fun one."

"And if we get caught?"

"We won't get caught."

"I don't know Loki." Thor says shaking his head slightly. Loki pulls the 'pleading little brother face' and looks up at Thor.

"Please." Loki says in the most inoccent voice he can manage.

"That is not fare play brother." Thor says. "But fine, I'm in."

"Yes!" Loki says. "Come on, we need to get started."

Thor and Loki head to the weapons room. Loki smirks as they walk in, the idea in his head playing out perfectly.

"Alright, what are we going to do?" Thor asks.

"Well-" Loki starts but he is inturupted when he sees a shadow outside the door. "Thor get down!"

The both hide behind one of the shelves, they just make it when the door comes open. Thor peeks his head out to see who it is. Loki grabs Thor's head and pulls him back behind the shelf. They wait for who ever it was to leave.

"Do you want to get caught?!" Loki asks very quietly.

"No, but that was Steve." Thor says.

"Yeah, he's probably doing some early morning patrol of the tower." Loki says. "Alright we need to get started."

Loki and Thor sit on the couch watching TV. Natasha and Clint are talking about Budapest is some code that no one under stands. No one can figure out why they won't just come straight out and talk about it. Steve is talking to Bruce about how the cure is coming, sadly they haven't found a thing that can even come close to being a cure. No one has seen Tony.

"What the heck?!" Tony's voice rings through the tower, coming from the weapons room.

Everyone walks to the weapons room, everyone but Thor and Loki. When they get there they see all the weapons in one spot, and Tony hanging upside down. From Tony's upside down position, Clint's arrows spell out 'Mad'. The rest of the weapons and in a huge question mark. All the weapons are held in their spot by some magic that couldn't be broken even by the strongest human, this causing the weapons to be completely useless until they can somehow get them separated.

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