Twilight Parody: Vincent Lienhart. Chapter 2

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Hello. I am Kathleen Taylor Cale. I am an aspiring writer, but that's not what this story is about. This is about my good friend's OOC character killing the members of Twilight. xD

Chapter 1:


Vincent easily stepped through the streets of Italy with his heavy boots hitting the cobblestone, making loud reverberations with every step. He looked up to the biggest clock, and then looked at the wristwatch on his right hand, calculating the time difference between Italy and Washington.

The time honestly did not matter; what mattered was the looks that people gave the tall, muscled man with very little skin pigment and his black glasses.

Vincent gave a small smirk to himself as he looked over his black coat with interest. What was so odd? Was it the smiley faces on the buttons? Was it the height?

He didn't honestly care. He just needed to find Edward. And obviously, he wouldn't find him here, in the sun.

Fucking sparkly fag.

Edward Cullen was not oblivious to the fact that he was being followed. However, we couldn't quite tell by whom. Even looking out from the shadows of the streets in Italy, Edward could only read the humans minds enough to know there was something odd in the city. But something blurred their thoughts from him, making his power almost useless; he only got hinting suspicions.

He ran a pale hand through his bronze hair and pulled at it hard, frustration easily conveyed on his usually controlled face. Thin strands dropped into the sun; they shimmered like threads of fire as they dropped to the ground and shone easily on the top of the shinning sidewalk.

He closed his eyes, and hesitantly reached his hand out into the sun and saw the thousands of diamonds travel over his skin, and up his arm, only to stop dead in their tracks when they hit the shadow from the ally, that reached his shoulder.

Edward remained silent, and closed his eyes, trying to locate the odd presence that he knew was there, but couldn't locate completely.

Vincent whipped out his hand, and caught Edward's wrist, pulling the fake offspring of a vampire into the sun. Vincent grinned like a malicious fool as he bent Edward's wrist backwards, quickly twisting his arm into to angles that would both surprise and fear a normal human into a coma-like state.

And apparently, same with a 'vampire'.

"Miss me, Edward?" Asked Vincent with a low and grave voice as he let go of the red-head and watched the Golden-hued eyes flash green, and back to gold with the pain from every bone in his arm being broken at once. Luckily, while Edward was only an 'offspring' he was still a quick healer.

"You're feeling human pain... At a human level... Fucking awesome." Said Vincent slowly.

Edward whimpered and fell to his knees; the diamonds now traveling over his fire-red hair and his pale shoulders. He opened his mouth, in an attempt to speak, but he couldn't actually make the words come out of his vocal cords. It was as if whatever liquid kept him 'alive' was frozen, and his whole system was shutting down.

When a large dose of an electric shock jumped him awake from his 'system slumber', he was laying on the ground and staring directly at Vincent's lifeless, black eyes. "G-Go.... B-B-Bur-rn... I-In... Hell..." Edward muttered and winced as another shock ran through him.

Vincent grinned and laughed loudly as he pressed the heel of his boot into the exposed, recently broken limb; Edward's arm.

"Hell? I have a summer home there..." He said absently, an emotionless smile covering his lips. His hair wisped over his shoulders and he ignored it.

Edward scrambled back only to feel Vincent's boot against his arm again. It was mostly healed before the conceded bastard stepped on it again! "Stop it!"

Edward's teeth flashed into fangs, and his eyes, specked with green, shone bright gold in the shadows. He was still sparkling, which took away from his fearful appearance a little, but he was still threatening... To everyone BUT Vincent Lienhart.

Vincent raised an eyebrow, and slowly moved his foot off of the 'Vampire's' arm, tilting his head to the side, and blinking irregularly; his face conveyed slight innocence, slight.

(Funny thing, While Vincent blinks; he tears holes in the space time continuum. Oops?)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2009 ⏰

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Twilight Parody: Vincent Lienhart. Chapter 2Where stories live. Discover now