Chess Game

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"Life is like a chess game where you have to sacrifice some of the pieces to win the game." ~Mylah Mai

I've come into terms with the fact that we can't always win the battle, but we can certainly try to win the war. Everything is black and white: chess pieces, yin and yang, the way you view life.

With every win, there is a loss somewhere else down the road. If you pick your battles, the boomerang of fate that comes flying back won't hit you upside the head and give you a concussion. Instead, you might be able to take fate into your hands, and throw something good your way for your future self.

There's deceit and a secret motive behind everything you see as an easy win, but of you're lucky, your opponent will let it slide. Whatcha think if this game of chess, an inevitable war between you and life?

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