a long day ahead

86 5 7

Dick Grayson play boy and bad boy
Kori anders artist musical
Garfield Logan comic book geek
Rachel Roth goth girl has nothing to do
Victor stone capital of the football team

Richard Grayson
I get out of the car and look at the sign in front of me jump city high school
Great at school 7 am on Saturday my life suks I walk across the football field walking as slowly as possible as much as it kills me I have been looking forward to this not that I love detention don't get me wrong it is just I have never been to detention on Saturday so I am curious more than anything. I dig into my backpack and take out a pair of sunglasses and slip them on know it will irritate the principal willson I laughed on the inside
I cross to the pick up line and clime the steps to the front door. My hand glides on the hand rail I hear a car pull up behind me I look over my shoulder and see a blue and white car put up by the park
A tall buff African American man gets out and slam the door shut . So your Richard Grayson the name is Victor stone or vic. I shake his hand I guess me know each other than☺ so it's not your first time begin here
In detention. It's not scary I said na. Than the door came open again it was a guy
With green hair forest green eyes with pair of black jeans and dark shirt. Hey the name is Garfield Logan but called my gar for short we wait that than Victor spoke up the name is vic and this is my bunny Richard Grayson. Later came a black hair with purple eyes. Are we missing some Mr slade said than came a red head girl with beautiful green eyes. Your late .well its get started for 18 hours star now . Are we get any food said gar. What kind questions is that you don't get any.

It been a long time gar could be himself so what you girls name he ask the two girls
Richard was also wondering there name the both of r
Them didn't heard him and went back to thir girl world read and drawing.
So gar could think of something but the did something he ran to the black head and took her book hey! Give me my book
Than he came run to the red head ant took her pen away hey! She said so the both girl look at each other and smirk. Arr why did you did that to him Richard yell the red hair glare him. You should got my book Saud the dark head girl.

hat she said.

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