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All books fit into certain categories which we call: Genres! They help the reader work out what they're reading but sometimes a book can be a mix of multiple genres. Hopefully this guide will help you grasp the basics of genres and figure out what your book goes under.

Fantasy: The fantasy genre usually contains magic or supernatural beings. The use of magic is often incorporated into the main plot or the main character is a supernatural beast or can use magic.

Examples of Fantasy are: Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Lord of The Rings.

Young Adult/YA: YA usually contains a main character who has entered their teenage years and is targeted towards teenagers and young adults. This genre often brings up conflicts teenagers experience but can be mixed with other genres. Characters of YA seem to be very memorable.

Examples of Young Adult: Hunger Games, Divergent, Mortal Instruments.

Science Fiction/Sci-Fi: Sci-Fi usually rotates around space, technology, time travel. These types of books are usually set in a futuristic or even dystopia themed world. Some facts are true in Sci-Fi but others are made up but still sound very realistic

Examples of Science Fiction: Frankenstein, Fahrenheit 451, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

Horror: Horror is meant to scare, unnerve and, dare I even say it, horrify the reader. Horror is often mixed with supernatural beings and sci-fi to create atmosphere e.g. ghosts, demons, spirits or a mad scientist experimenting on people and animals

Examples of Horror: The Shining, Dracula, Coraline

Historical Fiction: Historical Fiction is the use of historical events or settings in which the main character is usually involved in. The main character is usually a historic figure or an original character who experiences the plot in their own way. A lot of authors tend to choose a famous rumour that was carried through that era for the basis of their plot.

Examples of Historical Fiction: The Queen's Vow, The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas, The Help.

Crime/Mystery: Crime is based on crimes, courts and even solving the crimes. One of the most famous mystery authors is Sir Arthur Conan Doyle who is famous for his series Sherlock Holmes. It is often mixed with Historical Fiction or Sci-Fi.

Examples of Crime/Mystery: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Murder on the Orient Express.

Comedy: Comedy tends to be humorous but sometimes it can just be slap-stick humor. They usually contain happy endings ir an ending which is unfortunate for the main character but hilarious for the reader.

Examples of Comedy: A Midsummer Night's Dream, Diary Of A Wimpy Kid, The Darling Buds Of May.

Romance: Romance novels always have their main plot surrounding the relationship between two characters. Most romance books have a happy ending in which the couple end up getting together or having children ect...

Examples of Romance: Pride & Prejudice, The Selection, Twilight

Adventure: Adventure contains... an ADVENTURE!!! The main character usually somehow gets involved in an adventure which is not limited to laceration, evisceration... incineration?

Examples of Adventure: Treasure Island, Holes, The Hobbit.

"Just because someone stumbles and loses their way, it doesn't mean they're lost forever. Sometimes we need a little help. " - Charles Xavier

Liya xx  

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