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Shakily, Alya sucked in a breath as she sat with the others in silence around the flickering campfire. Her eyes stung from the thousands of tears she had shed over the disappearances that had occurred just a mere hour and an a half ago. They had all been counting. They were all grieving. Well, everyone gathered sombrely around the fire. Chloe had been taken for questioning by the English police service. It was better she was not present. Everyone was emotional. At some point someone would have said something they would regret.

Regret. It was such as strong emotion that shadowed over them all. They berated themselves for not snatching the diary away or for not running faster or for not venturing up after Adrian and Marinette. The once cheerful laughter was now silent and deafened by the unspoken truth of the No-returners. All that remained were quiet sobs and wishful but hopeless thinking.

A Miraculous tale: Luck, determination and hopeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora